How to make a super finish
Whenever you win a battle in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, you will be greeted with the words "Done" at the end. However, there is a larger type of finish that you can pull off known as Super Finish.
A Super Finish is not something that only happens in a specific fight, but can be performed in many different fights in the game, as long as you meet a few conditions. The first of these conditions is that the character you are using must be able to transform into a Super Saiyan. This means that you can start doing it as soon as Goku goes Super Saiyan for the first time against Frieza. The only characters who can achieve this are Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Gotenks, and Vegito.
After becoming a Super Saiyan, you also need to make sure that you are in Surge Mode. This is the mode you can access when the tension gauge to the right of the combat character icon is full and you hold Triangle on PS4 beyond to fill your ki meter. This results in a special power-up animation even when you are Super Saiyan.
You want to wait and do this at the very end of the battle, just when the opponent is on their last health bar, because there is one last condition. To get a Super Ending, you must end the fight by using one of your Super Attacks to finish off the opponent.
In summary, you must have a character who is a Super Saiyan, is in Surge mode, and then finishes the opponent with a Super Attack with both of these conditions met. If you run it correctly, you will get a special Super Finish animation to complete the fight and get the Flashy Finish trophy your first time by removing it.