Everspace 2 doesn't support virtual reality and probably never will.
The VR support for Everspace was pretty good at best, and ROCKFISH Games has made it clear that they don't really want to repeat that experience in the sequel. How can a developer best avoid the complications of implementing VR support? By not supporting him at all. Rockfish Games had this to say about VR support returning in March 2020, when the game was deep in alpha:
“Now, before some of you ask: we still haven't decided if we'll support VR at some point. All we can say is that based on the experience of the predecessor, VR support is a ton of work for a lot of reasons (like UI redesign, rebalancing market, optimized to demanding VR specifications) for a total addressable market of likely close to 35 million on PC and console. At first glance, this number doesn't look too shabby. However, the technical requirements of VR, along with the significant fragmentation issues and major marketing challenges, must be taken into account.
To elaborate a little further, optimizing the PSVR on a regular PS4 all the way to the all-new Valve Index with its proprietary VR controllers takes even more effort than porting a typical PC game designed for mouse + keyboard input. to run the console with an appropriate gamepad as well. controls from the last generation to the current generation and even to the next generation. On the marketing side, we have seen non-VR gamers who are unaware or hesitant about purchasing games with a VR tag. On the flip side, many VR gamers either miss or struggle to change graphics settings in games with optional VR support, resulting in negative reviews and complaints of VR performance issues, which has resulted in negative reviews and complaints. of course hurt overall sales.
Finally, it would actually be difficult to justify to our entire community if we were devoting a lot of development resources exclusively to a feature for a relatively small group of players. Therefore, we decided to look at VR as a separate platform that requires a solid business case to make it worth supporting. Anyway, EVERSPACE 2 for VR is currently not on our list, but who knows what kind of deal might happen in the future…? "
If this statement gives you hope, let me share what they recently had to say about VR support in their preview guide for Everspace 2:
“We have made a significant investment to have optional VR mount in the original EVERSPACE. Unfortunately, this turned out not to be a good business decision for a variety of reasons. This ranges from negative reviews of VR users who expect full VR controller support, even though the game was never intended as a VR-only game, missing or ignoring the fact that users need to modify graphics settings when playing in VR, to non-VR users. ignore the game because of its VR support tag on PC game storefronts. "
To sum it all up: Adding VR support isn't a straightforward process and ROCKFISH Games wasted more money than it made by adding it to the first Everspace. So they're not going to care in Everspace 2, at least not until the console versions of the game hit the wild in 2022 or 2023. Even then, support for VR is unlikely. . Don't hold your virtual or real breath, that's all I'm saying.