This replaces the old system, where you only gain an item cache. You will now get those SHD Points which provide incremental (and permanent) upgrades to your agent. This means that you will still want to work for XP, even after completing the expansion scenario in New York. Luckily, there's a new way to quickly increase your XP gains using another exclusive expansion system - Directives!
Once the New York Campaign is over, you'll unlock new directives. You can activate / deactivate them in the map menu. Directives are like difficulty modifiers. The more you switch to these guidelines, the more XP you earn. Each modifier gives you + 25% XP bonus, and some of them are incredibly easy to abuse.
Keep scrolling for more information on how to quickly increase your XP gains with these new expansion systems. Using the guidelines and the new Global Difficulty, you can quickly start racking up huge XP gains.
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Before you can start grinding for XP, you need to reach level 40 et End of the "Warlords of New York" campaign. At level 30, you will naturally reach level 40 simply by completing the new main missions and sub-missions. Simply complete all the quests marked on your map and you are guaranteed to reach level 40.
À Level 40 / DLC Campaign Completion, you will unlock three new systems - we will use two of these systems to get permanent upgrades from the third.
- Instructions (Difficulty modifiers)
- Global difficulty settings (define global difficulty)
- Niveaux SHD (Infinite Leveling System)
Directions and overall difficulty can be set from the map menu. Directives allow you to further customize the difficulty, and for each directive you switch to, you gain + 25% XP. Overall difficulty is exactly what it sounds like - increasing the overall difficulty means everything in the game world will be more difficult. The best of all, CP level will increase automatically when you increase the overall difficulty. No more tedious grinding required.
To earn a ton of XP, we'll be using guidelines and hunting PCs. You will want to switch to the Directive «No Regen», and the Fog of War Revisited Directive. No regeneration returns if the armor doesn't regenerate between fights and Fog of War removes the minimap. You can also switch to “Cool Skills” or “Special Ammo” if you think you can take on even more challenges. I don't recommend activating "Ammo Hoarders" though - it gets you started with less ammo, and enemies don't drop. At more difficult difficulties, you will run out of ammo.
Then you'll want to increase the overall difficulty as well. Start with "Hard", then you can try "Hard" and "Heroic" later. For each increase in overall difficulty, you will automatically increase all CPs from CP 1 to CP 2/3/4. Naturally, CP 4 gives you the best loot and the best XP to complete - best to lead a party for those!
For every directive you toggle, you will earn + 25% XP. With two switched, you will win + 50% XP - and if you can sort of run with four you will get + 100% XP. Then you will get another boost in overall difficulty XP gains. Knock down the CP4s, collect the precious loot, and run the circuit to rack up tons of XP. This is currently my favorite grinding method, and it's incredibly easy to set up.
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