Get to the top via Fast Travel or hang on to the White House pilot
Since you are here, I imagine you want to know where to start. Before the agents of the division can access the Summit, a few prerequisites must be met. First, the player must have reached level 40, the increased cap that accompanied the expansion of Warlords of New York. The second and final requirement is the completion of Warlords of New York, which takes around 10 hours depending on exploration and side quests. Once both conditions are met, the skyscraper will become accessible.
There are a number of ways you can access the towering structure, and luckily both are straightforward. Simply pulling the map up to Washington DC or New York reveals a new selection at the top right (as shown below). Highlight the image of the circled skyscraper and select Fast Travel.
If jumping into a loading screen immediately from contested city streets lessens the immersion sought after by serious Division agent role players, look for the helicopter pilot stationed outside the base. of White House operations. She'll be happy to throw you into a loading screen that lets you travel to the Summit just like she would for the main offsite missions, expeditions, and raids.
Players will arrive in the lobby of the building where they can prepare for the formidable challenge ahead. Present in the initial area are a Vendor, Crafting Station, Matchmaking Station, Recalibration Station, and Reserve. As for the vendor, don't bother looking for an NPC sitting behind a counter. This vendor appears like a weapons locker and only allows players to sell their inventory if they'd rather make more money than stockpile materials. The lack of purchasing options is understandable as the impending 100-story journey is chock-full of loot.
You are now ready to take on the latest Division 2 addition. Keep in mind that progress is recorded at rally points every 10 levels and that checkpoints exist on every third floor in case the whole team is. dejected. Step out of the victorious 100th floor and you might find yourself in possession of a shiny new exotic as well as several cosmetics.
If you need a refresher on all things Division 2, be sure to check out our guides hub.