It was back in 2013 when DMC landed on consoles Playstation 3, Xbox 360 e PC, bringing the minds of the players back into a limbo of demonic monstrosities to be faced with the help of a young - and unprecedented - Dante. Although the latter title was set in a completely parallel universe and disconnected from the previous ones, reviewing the demon hunter on screen is based on making hearts beat faster, at least until now.
In fact, on March 8 this year, the frenetic demonic battles typical of the saga are back, thanks to the arrival of Devil May Cry 5. The new title of Capcom will he be able to revive the story of the hunter? I will try to explain it to you in this review.
Where the story starts from
Let's start by making a premise: the plot of Devil May Cry 5 it does not stand out for its originality. It all begins with a sudden demon infestation in the town of Red Grave, apparently connected with the appearance of a tree with roots so deep that it reaches the underworld.
In the midst of the general panic of the population and the chaos generated by all the monstrosities brought to the surface by the immense plant - called Qliphoth, from the Jewish Kabbalah - Nero stands out, a character already met in the past in other chapters of the saga.
Flanked by (how to define it, particular?) Gunsmith Nico and the mysterious V, the boy will find himself forced to try to contain the invasion as much as possible, as well as find a way to destroy the plant and free the city.
This unlikely team, enriched only later by the beloved Dante, will make its way through the demonic ranks through a series of heated clashes which, however, are soon flanked by a weak plot and not very full of twists, apparently designed to entertain and bring your most loved characters back to the screen.
Graphics and audio take your breath away
As soon as you enter the universe of the new chapter of the saga, you cannot help but be amazed. For the game Capcom has in fact relied on the feats of the same graphics engine used for resident evil, whose potential is not extremely evident when it comes to settings.
In fact, the latter show some uncertainty regarding the quality of the textures and, at times, end up being too confusing to the eye.
The music changes when, on the other hand, we focus on the characterization of the characters. Apart from the cut-scenes, even in the most confusing scenes and in the fastest and most heated clashes the animations almost never get confused, evolving instead into epic moves worthy of an action film.
Despite the wonder, however, Devil May Cry 5 it's not perfect. The first part, set above all in the daring Red Grave City, is in fact capable of generating beautiful views, and making the most of the graphics engine. The situation is reversed by the second half of the adventure which, taking place inside the huge tree that has invaded the city, is much less pleasing to the eye, as well as extremely limited and certainly not surprising in its structure.
To provide the right support both to the beauty of the expressions and to the amusing battles is the sound sector which, with its notes ranging between hard rock and pure heavy metal, almost seem to gently caress every move of our characters, making the combos even more devastating. .
Three characters for three styles
Devil May Cry 5 has many reasons to get noticed, there is no doubt about this, but what stands out is undoubtedly the presence not only of the iconic and beloved Dante, but also of two other characters, namely Nero and V (which we will discuss in detail later ). Each of them is characterized not only by noticeably different aesthetic aspects, but also by a different set of moves and abilities!
The first character we go to meet on our path within the title is Nero, whose combat system can only bring the mind back to the tradition typical of other titles: everything is based on a single attack button, with which it is possible to create devastating combos with fluid animations.
Often the Devil Breaker, the mechanical arm built by Nico for the hunter, which will allow the latter either to unleash "normal" blows, or to wait to get the maximum charge and generate an attack so powerful as to break the tool itself, or to detonate it to damage surrounding enemies.
[However, this mechanic has a flaw: Nero can carry a limited number of these mechanical arms which, in addition to breaking due to the charged attack, can also be broken by enemy shots. However, each of these tools has different characteristics, and the lack of the possibility to equip one or the other is a lack that, in battle, makes itself felt: to change the arm you will have to destroy the one in use!
The situation is different with regard to the protagonist elected as main by the hearts of the lovers of the saga: Dante's combat system in fact returns to exploit the unions with the directional arrows, which allow you to attack, defend, dodge or hit enemies from a distance.
The nature of the title is highlighted above all by the quantity and variety of weapons and skills on which the demon hunter can count, all of which can be improved!
A not indifferent novelty
To bring a breath of fresh air in a title that recalls a lot to the glories of the previous chapters is certainly the presence of the three characters previously described.
One of them in particular, however, is really a total unknown, because he never appeared in the saga: he is V, an enigmatic boy with a style tending towards emo, capable of bringing his mind back to the young Dante's immature style. DMC.
His combat system is, since the first missions experienced in his company, considerably simplified compared to those of Nero and Dante. In fact, his style perfectly represents the mysterious and evanescent appearance of the boy, who therefore tends to focus more on remote evocations than on direct attacks.
This feature, once dressed as V, develops through the two splendid shadow creatures Griffin and Shadow, respectively volatile and panther, who will take care of the opponents instead of the person concerned.
To bring back to the fighting style of the remaining part of Devil May Cry 5 is the presence, even among the moves available to V, of the Devil Trigger, which can be used both to make the attacks of the two evocable creatures even more dangerous or to bring the enormous Nightmare golem onto the field!
Devil May Cry 5, buy it or not?
The homonymous saga to which the last chapter belongs has always had as its strong point the ability to make the player fall in love, through mysterious but fascinating protagonists, certainly not trivial plots and fighting modes designed to make the title re-playable, in a way such as to continue to improve their skills.
In this sense, Devil May Cry 5 does not disappoint expectations, indeed: among the innovations brought by the presence of three characters and three corresponding fighting styles, the game does not lack the typical malice of the series, highlighted even more by the mode "Son of Sparda", which will appear only after finishing the entire campaign for the first time.
The last chapter of Capcom it is able to bring all the positive aspects and characteristics of the previous titles to the screen and, although there are some flaws regarding the weakness of the plot and the level design, everything else makes the heart beat so fast as to make every imperfection absolutely surmountable .
Devil May Cry 5
- Three fighting styles
- A graphics engine that leaves you speechless
- V brings a wave of interesting news
- The most beloved characters of the saga make their return
- Weak texture
- Unpleasant Level Design in the second part of the campaign