Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

From GamersLance we want to offer you all the necessary information so you can get all the trophies of the video game Detroit: Become Human from Quantic Dream studio. Our guide is accessible for any device on which you are playing, either PlayStation 4, Computer (PC), etc.. If you want to get all the trophies don't miss our post!

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

After a long wait, one of the most anticipated Playstation 4 exclusives is finally in our hands. Obviously we are talking about Detroit: Become Human the latest work of David Cage and his studio Quantic Dream. In this title, we will find ourselves living the stories of different protagonists, which will be increasingly intertwined with the advancement of the plot of the game, until we reach one of the final epilogues. Throughout the video game you will have to make choices, which will condition the development of the story and decide the fate of each character. If you are already looking for the different trophies of the game, follow our trophy guide to unlock the coveted platinum trophy as soon as possible.

Detroit: Become Human - some preliminary tips

Detroit: Become Human will provide you with 49 trophies, including 40 bronze, 5 silver, 3 gold and the inevitable platinum trophy. Don't worry, though: if you miss any of them, you can always replay the chapter in question to get the desired trophy. However, be careful: replaying a single previous chapter will not affect the following ones; to achieve this result, you will have to replay all the chapters following the "mistake made".

Of course, there are some collectibles in the game, also related to the choices we will make. Fortunately, these can also be recovered by replaying the individual chapters. To get the Detroit: Become Human platinum trophy you will have to complete at least two runs, as well as replaying some chapters for possible wipes. However, to avoid having to start the game too many times, we recommend you get the trophies in the order they appear, so as not to overcomplicate your life. To get the "SUPRAVISSUTI" trophy you will have to keep each character alive, which will not be easy. In case one of the characters dies, all you have to do is replay the chapter in which he died and then continue the game. Precisely for this reason, follow what we have to tell you in our trophy guide.


Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Play the first chapter.

This first trophy Detroit: Become Human is related to the plot, you can not miss it. You just have to complete the first chapter of the game's story for it to appear.

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor saved Emma.

You will receive this trophy at the end of "The Hostage" chapter, which is the one present in the game demo. The fastest way to get the achievement in question is to perform the following actions:

  • Before going out to the balcony, go to the living room of the house and fully examine the dead body of the policeman, to discover the location of the gun;
  • at this point, take the gun hidden under the table;
  • Once this is done, go out to the balcony, try to get as close as possible to the rebel android and, when the game gives you the opportunity, take out your gun and shoot at the head of your rival;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Kara has discovered the contents of Alice's box.

You will receive this trophy at the end of "A New Home". The quickest way to get the achievement in question is to perform the following actions:

  • First, you will need to clean all the upstairs rooms (especially the master bedroom, bathroom and toilet);
  • go to Alice's room, tidy up the bed and open the window;
  • after cleaning all the other rooms, you can finally talk to Alice;
  • At this point, you will need to select the following dialog options:
    • Friendly
    • Name Kara
    • Interest?
    • She seems calm.
  • all the following dialogue options will make you feel sympathy for Alice, who will reward you with a key;
  • use the key to open Alice's box, which you will find in the cupboard next to the door, open it and examine all the pictures inside;
  • Once you have seen the photos, put them in the box, go down the stairs to go down, complete the practices and the trophy will be yours;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor found the deviant in the attic.

You will receive this trophy at the end of the "Partners" chapter. The quickest way to get the achievement in question is to perform the following actions:

  • Once you arrive at the crime scene, you will have to find all ten clues;
  • Report to Lieutenant Anderson and reconstruct the crime by selecting the following dialogue options: "... in the kitchen" > "... with the stick" > "The android stabbed the victim" > "... the living room" > "... with the knife";
  • go to the corridor in the middle of the house. On the left side you can examine the wall to see that a ladder should have been there before. In the same hallway, check the ceiling of the attic entrance, where a handprint will now stand out;
  • take the chair from the kitchen and place it under the attic entrance. At this point, go up and you will find the bypass right at the end of the attic. Once done, complete the chapter and unlock the trophy;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Kara and Alice have escaped from Todd's house.

You will receive this trophy at the end of the chapter "A Stormy Night". The quickest way to get the achievement in question is to perform the following actions:

  • serve dinner to Todd and Alice;
  • when Todd tells you to stand still, move and run upstairs to Alice's room (the last room on the right);
  • press the TRIANGLE button and choose the option "Run with Alice";
  • hide in the room on the right side of the corridor, near the stairs (keep pressing the RIM button);
  • after a while, Kara will automatically come out of the room and run down with Alice. Press the RIM button to open the door;
  • complete the button sequence to open the door;
  • once you are outside, get on the bus in front of you. This action will end the chapter and unlock the trophy;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Markus pushed Leo.

You will get this trophy at the end of Broken. The quickest way to get the achievement in question is to perform the following actions:

  • During this chapter, when you meet Leo in the painting room, there will be a choice: by pressing the RIM button, you will push Leo, while pressing the X button you will decide to resist the attacks;
  • for this trophy you will have to press the RIM button, and thus push Leo;

PLEASE NOTE: after finishing the chapter, and after obtaining the trophy in question, you can exit the game by going to the main menu and replay the chapter. Before doing so, activate the Save function in the chapter selection. This time you will have to choose the other option, resist Markus' attacks, to get the AUTOCONTROL trophy. Now you have to continue the story about this new save.

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Markus let Leo win.

You will receive this trophy at the end of the "Broken" chapter. The fastest way to get the achievement in question is to perform the following actions:

  • During this chapter, when you meet Leo in the painting room, there will be a choice: by pressing the RIM button, you will press Leo, while pressing the X button you will decide to resist the attacks;
  • for this trophy, you must press the X button;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor made the android confess.

To get this trophy, you must first have encountered the deviant in the attic in the previous chapter. You will get this trophy at the end of the chapter "The Interrogation". The fastest way to get the achievement in question is to perform the following actions:

  • Sit in your chair and start the interrogation;
  • Press the TRIANGLE button to analyze the five clues on the deviant's body (they are marked with yellow lines);
  • press the SQUARE button to interrogate;
  • press the ARROW button for the "Injuries" dialog option;
  • Press the ARROW button for the "Fear" dialog box;
  • Press the X button for the "Guilt" dialog box;
  • the RIM button for the "Probe memory" dialog option;
  • press the X button for the "truth" dialog option;
  • press the X button for the "truth" dialog box;
  • choose the "approach" option and press the X button for the "convince him" dialog box; press the X button for the "convince him" dialog box;
  • Press the X button for the "order" dialog box;
  • Press the TRIANGLE button for the "pity" dialog box;
  • Press the X button for the "warn" dialog box;
  • once the last option is selected, the deviant decides to confess. Choose the last dialog options in the way that suits you best, as they will not influence the obtaining of the trophy in question;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Kara and Alice slept in the motel or in the abandoned house.

You will receive this trophy once you have completed the "Runaway" chapter. This internship will give you a choice: either you decide to steal $40 from the supermarket and clothes from the laundromat, or enter the abandoned house and decide to spend the night there. This second option is definitely the easier one. For clarity, follow the steps below:

  • after getting off the bus, walk to the next stop, where the green garbage truck is parked across the street. At this point, press the X button to talk to Alice at this bus stop;
  • the dumpster droid will appear and talk to Kara. After this sequence, the garbage truck will drive away;
  • interact with the fence where the garbage truck was parked a few moments ago. You can push the fence to access an area with an abandoned car;
    Interact with the abandoned car fence. At this point, take the bolt cutter from the yellow power generator in front of the car;
  • Use the bolt cutter to cut through the fence and get to the abandoned house. Try to open the door; as soon as you do, Alice will disappear. Walk back down the street until you reach the corner of the house;
  • you will find an android with a knife threatening Alice. At this point, you will have to select the following dialogue options:
    • press the TRIANGLE button for the "Android" dialog option;
    • the RIM button for the "Hospitality" dialog;
    • Press the RIM key again, to ask the android to stay in the house;
  • follow the android to his house, prepare a bed and a fireplace for Alice and go to sleep;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor found all the clues about Hank.

You will get this trophy once you complete "Waiting for Hank...". At this point, follow all the steps below:

  • When you get to Hank's desk at the police station, sit in the chair for a moment, then stand up;
  • At this point, you will be able to walk around Hank's desk and have three different possible interactions with him (as always, just hold down the R2 key to highlight them and identify them more easily):
    • Move the right analog stick to the left to listen to the contents of your headset;
    • move the right analog stick to the right and then down to make a call (you can also leave a message, but this action should have no relevance to the trophy);
    • move the right analog stick down to analyze the eight tracks on Hank's desk. Also during this analysis screen, you can press and hold the SQUARE button on a tab on the right side of the table;
  • That's all you have to do! The story will force you Detroit: Become Human to follow Hank to his supervisor's office. Next, when you sit down at the desk across from him, you'll know you've done everything correctly when you have four dialogue options marked with a bolt symbol and therefore closed. These options are: [Dog] [Basketball] [Music] [Anti-Android];

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Kara and Alice have escaped from the police.

You will receive this trophy once you complete the chapter "On the run". No matter where you decide to spend the night, whether in the Motel or in the abandoned house, the plot of the game will lead you to having to cross a highway. At this point, Connor will start chasing Kara and Alice to catch them. To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points that we will list below:

  • when Kara and Alice are on the highway, Connor will try to go over the fence. The simplest solution in this case is to press the X button to surrender, so Connor won't chase you anymore;
  • At this point, complete the button sequence to cross the highway safely;

However, note that you can also decide not to surrender. In this case, it will always be possible to escape from the police, but you will have to press a few more buttons.

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor has reached Rupert.

You will get this trophy once you have completed the chapter "The Nest". To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • follow Rupert to the end;
  • when you have reached the end of the chase, the game will put you in front of a choice: you can decide to press the SQUARE button to chase the deviant, or press the CIRCLE button to save Hank;
  • to get this trophy, you will have to choose to press the SQUARE button;

NOTE: after finishing the chapter, and after getting the trophy in question, you will be able to exit the game and go to the main menu and replay the chapter. Before doing so, activate the Save function in the chapter selection. This time you will have to choose the other option, deciding to save Hank, to get the SAVE HANK trophy. Now you will have to continue the story in this new save.

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor saved Hank.

You will get this trophy once you have completed the chapter titled "The Nest". To get the trophy, you must follow the points listed below:

  • follow Rupert to the end;
  • when you reach the end of the chase, the game will put you in front of a choice: you can decide to press the SQUARED button to chase the deviant, or press the RIM button to save Hank;
  • to get this trophy, you will have to choose to press the RIM button;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Kara and Alice have escaped from Zlatko's house.

You will get this trophy once you have completed the "Zlatko" chapter. For this achievement, it doesn't matter if Zlatko restarted Kara in the basement or not, because you will be able to escape in both cases. To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • After Zlatko has reset Kara, open the basement door where the androids are imprisoned; this action will allow them to escape later and help you;
  • Bring your food from the living room to Zlatko's workshop, located upstairs;
    open the android bear cage, located in the room next to Zlatko's lab (above);
  • after that, go find Alice in the last room upstairs at the end of the corridor;
  • it won't be long before everyone realizes that Alice is gone. At this point, you will have to go upstairs through all the rooms; remember not to use the hallway. There will be timers in each room, indicating when someone will come in to get you. Always hide in the room to avoid being seen (either under the table or in the closet). Then move to the next room;
  • Pay special attention because if Zlatko sees you in the android bear's room, the android will attack you (always in case you have previously opened the cage, that is). If this happens, you will start running in the direction below;
  • use the back door to escape (the front door is locked and will only slow you down);
  • At this point, if Zlatko catches up to you, his android will stop him and the other androids you have freed will "take care" of him;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

You killed the two Thracians.

PLEASE NOTE: before taking this trophy, first unlock "HEROES OF JERICHO", a little later in this list. After you get it, re-read the description of this trophy.

You will get this trophy once you have completed the chapter titled "The Eden Club". To obtain the trophy, you must follow the points listed below:

  • After leaving the crime scene in the Eden Club, you will have to catch the deviant in less than 5 minutes. To do this, you will have to explore other androids and reconstruct where the deviant went. The deviant will be in the warehouse;
  • in the warehouse, you will see blue blood on the floor. Follow the drops of blood to the androids in the corner at the end of the room. Then watch them carefully by pressing the L1 button;
  • at this point, you must win the fight against the two deviant androids;
  • At the end of the fight, when the brown-haired android runs in your direction, you have two options at your disposal: by pressing the RIM button you shoot, by selecting the X button instead, you decide to spare their lives;
  • To get this trophy, you must press the RIM button and shoot;

NOTE: after finishing the chapter, and after getting the trophy in question, you can exit the game and go to the main menu and replay the chapter. Before doing so, activate the Save function in the chapter selection. This time you will have to choose the other option, deciding to save Hank, to get the DUBBI trophy. Now you will have to continue the story of this new save.

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

The two Thracians have escaped.

You will get this trophy once you have completed the chapter titled "The Eden Club". To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points that we will list below:

  • After leaving the crime scene in the Eden Club, you will have to catch the deviant in less than 5 minutes. To do this, you will have to explore other androids and reconstruct where the deviant went. The deviant will be in the warehouse;
  • in the warehouse, you will see blue blood on the floor. Follow the drops of blood to the androids in the corner at the end of the room. Then watch them carefully by pressing the L1 button;
  • at this point, you must win the fight against the two deviant androids;
  • At the end of the fight, when the brown-haired android runs in your direction, you will have two options at your disposal: by pressing the RIM button you will shoot, by selecting the X button instead, you decide to spare their lives;
  • To get this trophy, you will have to press the X button and save their lives;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Markus has obtained enough components.

You will get this trophy once you have completed the "Spare Parts" chapter. To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • After you have infiltrated CyberLife, and after the android security agent has seen you, you will be called to make a decision:
    • Pressing the RIM button, you will hide;
    • Pressing the X button instead, you will turn yourself in. However, the security android will decide to protect you;
  • collect the contents of the remaining boxes with blue blood. Move the right analog stick up to open the small box;
  • go up to the platform and open the big box. Press the RIM button to select the "release them" option;
  • when the android security agent wants to go with you, press the X button and decline;
    at this point, the alarm will go off; exit the area, the chapter will end, and you will have obtained the trophy;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Hank killed Connor.

NOTE: before taking this trophy, first unlock "A smile on your face", a little further down this list. After you get it, re-read the description of this trophy.

You will receive this trophy once you have completed the chapter titled "The Bridge". To get this trophy, Hank must have become hostile towards Connor; for this very reason, he must have a low opinion of him. You will achieve your goal by challenging him at every opportunity you get, countering his responses and saying that androids are just machines and have no feelings. You will see the status of your relationships in the various flowcharts. To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • to select the "personal question" dialog option;
  • press the RIM button to select the "photo" dialog option (this option will be available only if you have seen the photo in the "Russian Roulette" chapter. If you have not seen it, you will not unlock it, and you will have to press the X button, choosing the "Suicide" option);
  • to select the "Stop drinking" dialog option;
  • press the X button to select the "Software" dialog box;
  • Press the X button to select the "Cold" dialog box;
  • Press the TRIANGLE button to select the "Cold" dialog box;
  • button to select the "Cold" dialog box;
  • to select the "Not alive" dialog box;
  • Press the X button to select the "Nothing" dialog box;
  • Remember that, as mentioned above, Hank must be hostile to Connor, otherwise he will not shoot him;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Alice had fun on the merry-go-round.

You will get this trophy once you have completed the chapter titled "The Pirate's Lair". To get the trophy, you will need to follow the steps below:

  • There is only one epilogue possible in this chapter, and you can always earn this trophy. After taking refuge in the amusement park, a group of androids will burst in. You will discover that they are just the park staff, and that they are happy to see Alice in the park. They will show Alice the merry-go-round and Kara will put her on the merry-go-round. Then everyone will have fun and the chapter will end;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Markus relayed his message without getting caught or suffering team losses.

You will get this trophy once you have completed the "Stratford Tower" chapter. To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • When you enter the server room with North (the female android), make sure to close the door behind you;
  • When you reach the top of the tower, after meeting up with the other two android allies, you will encounter two security guards blocking the corridor. At this point, you will need to select the following: press the ARROW button to start walking towards the guards > move the right analog stick up, draw your weapons and aim them at the guards > move the right analog stick to the right to give the command > press the FRAME button to knock them out;
  • When you enter the broadcast room, move the right analog stick up to order the android operators to step aside;
  • at this point, a human in the broadcast room will escape. You will have to press the RIM button to shoot him, to prevent him from triggering the alarm;
  • once the transmission is over, choose the options you want (they don't matter for the trophy). After the transmission, follow your allies on the roof and parachute down before the guards reach you;

NOTE: after finishing the chapter, and once you have obtained the trophy in question, you can exit the game, go to the main menu and replay the chapter. Before doing so, activate the Save function in the chapter selection. You will need it to get the "Assault of a Jerico" trophy. Now you will have to continue the story in this new save.

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor connected with Simon.

This trophy will unlock two chapters, "Stratford Tower" and "Public Enemy". Fortunately, if you have already obtained the trophy "A Well-Recovered Plan", you will only need to start the stage in question to obtain this new trophy. To obtain the trophy, you will have to follow the points that we will list below:

  • When you are in Stratford Tower, on the top floor, after calling the service elevator and meeting your android allies, there will be a security checkpoint in a hallway with two security guards. In this case you will have to press the X button, choosing the "Assault" option. As a result of this choice, Simon will be wounded;
  • after entering the broadcasting room, a person will escape to the outside. At this point you will have to press the RIM button, shooting the person. This choice will cause Simon to go up to the roof alive before the armed forces reach him, but due to his wounds he will not be able to go with you and hide on the roof;
  • after recording your speech, once on the roof, the androids will discuss whether to kill Simon or leave him behind. At this point, you must press the X button, choosing to leave Simon behind. This choice will allow Simon to stay alive, so that Connor can connect with him later;
  • As soon as the Public Enemy chapter starts, take Connor to the roof and investigate the pool of blue blood;
  • Follow the blue blood to a secret door on the left side of the roof (you can see the blood thanks to the scanner by pressing the R2 button);
  • when you open the door to Simon's hideout, he's going to shoot Connor;
    the police will start shooting at Simon. When you are safe behind the shelter, press the R2 button and choose to run towards the deviant;
  • This way, by opting for this option, you will prevent the police bullets from hitting Simon and reach him before he dies. By doing so, you can interrogate him, complete the chapter and get this new Detroit: Become Human trophy ;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Markus led a peaceful uprising.

Please, before taking this trophy, first unlock "CIRCULATE", a little further down the list. After you get it, read the description of this trophy again.

You will get this trophy once you have completed the chapter titled "Capitol Park". First, you must enter the store and convert all the androids. You can fail this objective. What you have to do is disable the alarm (follow the red wire), disable the police drone flying over the square and finally block the road and use the truck to break through the storefront. Once this is done, you will be able to recruit androids to your cause and decide whether you want a peaceful or violent demonstration. To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points listed below:

  • To get this trophy, you will have to increase the "Pacifist" indicator to 100% after leaving the store with the recruited androids. To achieve this, you will not have to destroy anything, but simply mark, mark and cut everything that crosses your path, placing symbols and slogans all over the square;
  • After leaving the square, you must decide the fate of two policemen. You will have to press the RIM button to save their lives;

NOTE: after finishing the chapter, and once you have obtained the trophy in question, you can exit the game, go to the main menu and replay the chapter. Before doing so, activate the Save function in the chapter selection. You will need it to obtain the "Scorched Earth" trophy. Now you will have to continue the story of this new save.

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Markus led a violent uprising.

You will get this trophy once you complete the chapter titled "Capitol Park". First, you will have to enter the store and convert all the androids. You may fail in this task. What you have to do is disable the alarm (follow the red wire), disable the police drone flying over the square and finally block the road and use the truck to get through the storefront. Once this is done, you will be able to recruit androids to your cause and decide whether you want a peaceful or violent demonstration. To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points listed below:

  • to get this trophy you will have to increase the "Violence" indicator to 100% after leaving the store with the recruited androids. To achieve this goal, you will have to destroy and burn everything in the square. Once the indicator has risen to 100%, you can leave the square;
  • after leaving the square, you will have to decide the fate of two policemen. You will have to press the TRIANGLE button to take revenge and kill them;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Kara managed to take out the cop.

You will receive this trophy once you have completed the "Midnight Train". At some point, a cop will come knocking on the door of the house you're in. To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • As soon as the policeman knocks on the door, you will have about 50 seconds to arrange the house, so that our "visitor" does not notice any strange clues. This is what you specifically need to do:
    • On the left side of the room (opposite the door), close the cabinet where the blue blood is kept;
    • on the kitchen table, make sure that the magazine shows the theme of World War III (the default) and not the sale of Androids;
    • talk to Luther and choose the following dialogue options: by pressing the TRIANGLE button, you will go upstairs with Alice;
    • on the right side of the room, there is a blue android shirt in a closet. Hide it in the closet;
    • on the left side of the door, close the door to the next room, where the other androids are hiding;
  • once you've done all this, you can let the cop in, but make sure you've done it all in less than 50 seconds;
  • make coffee;
  • press the RIM button to choose the "Alice" dialog option;
  • press the ARROW button to choose the "Yes" dialog option;
  • when the policeman turns to Adam;
  • to choose the "Washing Machine" dialog option;
  • once this is done, the cop will leave and you will have a new Detroit: Become Human trophy ;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Markus attacked the police.

NOTE: before taking this trophy, unlock the "PRIORITY" and "SIMILAR" trophies first, a little further down this list. After obtaining it, re-read the description of this trophy.

You will get this trophy once you have completed the "Freedom March". To obtain the trophy, you will need to follow the points we will list below:

  • at the end of the walkthrough, you will be blocked by some cops who will point their guns at you. To get this trophy, you will need to make the following decisions:
    • Press the TRIANGLE button for the "Attack" option. This will create a long sequence of buttons, and you will only win the fight if most of them are chosen correctly;
    • for the "Revenge" option, so you can kill cops when you can;

PLEASE NOTE: after finishing the chapter, and after getting the trophy in question, you can exit the game, go to the main menu and replay the chapter. Before doing so, activate the Save function in the chapter selection. You will need it to get the "IRREMOVABLE" trophy. Now you will have to continue the story in this new save.

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Markus did not surrender to the police.

You will get this trophy once you have completed the "Freedom March". To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points that we will list below:

  • at the end of the march, you will be blocked by cops who will point their guns at you. To get this trophy, you will have to make the following decisions:
    • press the RIM button for the "Hold Position" option;
    • press the RIM button for the "Hold Position" option;
    • press the RIM button for the "Sacrifice" option;

However, this way Markus will die. As he is one of the characters you will have to keep alive to get the "SURVIVE" trophy, you will have to load the above recording and choose an option to keep our character alive.

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor killed Chloe.

You will receive this trophy during the "Meet Kamski" chapter. During the internship in question, Connor will have to take a Turing test, and the achievement cannot be missed. To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • during the test, you will have to choose between pressing RIM to shoot or press X to not shoot;
  • in which case, you will have to press the Circle button to shoot;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor refused to kill Chloe.

You will receive this trophy during the "Meet Kamski" chapter. During the stage in question, Connor will have to undergo a Turing test, and the achievement cannot be missed. To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • During the test, you will have to choose between pressing RIM to shoot or press X to not shoot;
  • in this case, you will have to press X to not shoot;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor found Jericho on his own.

You will get this trophy once you have completed the "Last Chance Connor" chapter. To obtain this trophy, you must meet the following requirements:

  • In "Stratford Tower", Markus attacked the guards on the top floor, in the corridor leading to the transmission room, and Simon was injured;
  • Subsequently, he decided to leave Simon and not kill him (for more details, see the description of the trophy "JERICHO'S PATRIMONY");
  • In the chapter "Public Enemy", Connor was able to successfully connect with Simon (for more details, see the description of the trophy "A JERICHO'S ASSAGE");
    In the "Meet Kamski" chapter, Connor did not shoot Chloe (see the "SIMILI" trophy description for details);

The first two requirements will make Simon's body end up in evidence, while the last one will make sure that Kamski doesn't give you the code to decrypt Jericho: you'll have to get it yourself by rebooting and tricking Simon.

To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • Hank's distraction will leave you the key to the evidence locker on his desk;
    Take the key and go to the archives. The password to the rehearsal room is "Fucking password";
  • start Simon, the android on the right side of the test cabinet. His shoulder is destroyed, but can be replaced. Take the spare from Daniel's body, press the SQUARE button on his shoulder;
  • start Simon and press the X key to trick him;
  • in the middle of the evidence cabinet, check the recording of Markus' speech to imitate his voice. Then talk to Simon again and he will think you are Markus. He will now let you interrogate him and tell you the location of Jericho;
  • if Simon hasn't been left behind in the Stratford Tower chapter, you can also have Connor interrogate the deviant in the kitchen of the Public Enemy chapter and get to him before he escapes. This way, you can trick the deviant instead of Simon;
  • if you shot both Thracians in "The Eden Club" chapter, you can reset the blue-haired one, then rip off the brown-haired one's head and keep it in front of the blue-haired girls' faces in the evidence room. This way, you can make her believe that her lover is still alive, and she will tell you the location of Jericho;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

You brought all three characters to the Crossroads chapter.

To get this trophy, you must bring all three characters to the "Crossroads" chapter alive. This way Connor will meet Kara (but she won't notice), Kara will talk to Marcus, and Marcus will talk to Connor to convince him to join the android cause. If you've followed the trophy guide this far, you should have no trouble with this achievement.

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Markus or Connor blew up the freighter.

To get this trophy, you will need to get all three characters to the "Crossroads" chapter alive. To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • When Connor confronts Markus in the captain's cabin, press the RIM button, so that our hero becomes a deviant in turn;
  • after Kara and Alice escape to the corridor, Markus, Connor and North will be together in the corridor. Here, you will have to press the X button to blow up Jericho;
  • now Markus will go to the control room. Make sure you don't miss any combat along the way. Always choose to bring the soldiers when you have the chance. Inside the control room there is another fight to win. Once this is done, Markus will start the countdown to detonation and you can finish the rest of the chapter as you see fit;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Markus arrived at the camp and freed the androids.

This trophy will cover two chapters: "NIGHT OF THE SOUL" and "BATTLE TO DETROIT". To obtain the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • during the chapter "NIGHT OF THE SOUL", first of all, Markus must have escaped from the container ship. You can combine this achievement with the "ONE OF US" trophy by making Connor a deviant. At the end of the chapter, when Markus gives his speech, press the RING button, selecting the "Revolution" option;
  • in the chapter "Battle for Detroit", when you have chosen the REVOLUTION option, you will have to fight a lot of cops. Markus will have to reach the end of the stage and shoot the tanks with a rocket launcher;
  • you can also get this trophy together with the event "PERSONAL EXERCISE", with which Connor frees all androids from cybernetic life, who will later join Markus' faction;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Markus managed to get the soldiers to retreat.

You will get this trophy in the "Battle for Detroit" chapter. However, in order for you to unlock the achievement in question, you will have to enjoy the highest android opinion. To achieve this, Markus will never have to kill any humans and will always choose the most peaceful protest options. Markus and North will also have to become lovers, with our hero who, to win her trust, will have to kiss her at every opportunity, ask her about her past and show interest in her. Of course, both Markus and North will have to survive. To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • In the chapter "Stratford Tower", on the top floor, you must choose not to assault the guards and, inside the broadcasting room, not to kill the escaping man;
    In the "Capitol Park" chapter, you will have to save the androids in the store and choose to make a peaceful protest, without destroying anything and without killing the cops at the end of the stage;
  • in the chapter "Freedom March", Markus and North will become lovers (press the RIM button to ask him about his past, TRIANGLE for trust and X to show understanding. If you don't have lover status yet, remember to kiss her every chance you get. If your reputation for her diminishes, and it will when you make the more peaceful decisions, don't worry so much);
  • in the chapter "Freedom March", at the end of the march, when you face the police, as soon as they start shooting, press the X button to disperse;
  • in the chapter "Crossroads", Markus survives and saves the North by leaving Jericho;
  • in the "Night of the Soul" chapter, pressing the X button will make Markus choose to leave peacefully;
  • in the "Battle for Detroit" chapter, when the police negotiator arrives, you will have to press the X button to make Markus refuse any deal;
  • in the chapter "Battle for Detroit", when the police attack your camp, successfully press all the buttons until you are regrouped. Then, press the SQUARE button, and make your final decision: kiss North. Markus and North must be lovers (and alive) to access this option. When the two kiss, the soldiers will realize that they are no longer just emotionless machines, they have peacefully protested and have feelings. So they will lower their weapons and Madam President will tell them to back off;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Kara and Alice escaped from the recycling center.

You will get this trophy during the chapters "Crossroads" and "Battle for Detroit". To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • In the "Crossroads" chapter, when Kara and Alice escape from the soldiers (after escaping through the Jericho tunnels), you will have to choose to press X to surrender, then press X again to obey. This will result in your capture;
  • In the "Battle for Detroit" chapter, while you are waiting for destruction, talk to Jerry and ask him to create a diversion;
  • In the "Battle for Detroit" chapter, check the fence on the right side with L1, this will show you an escape route. Now you will have to create a distraction. Depending on who you saved earlier:
    • Sacrifice Ralph, only if he has taken refuge in his abandoned house in the "Runaways" chapter;
    • Sacrifice the scarred android, only if you have freed the androids from the basement of Zlatko's mansion in the chapter "Zlatko";
    • Sacrifice Luther, only if he has survived this far;
  • Once you've done that, run towards the barbed wire. Alice (and Luther if he is with you) will climb up;
    when a soldier arrives, press the X key to protect Alice. This way, you will start fighting the soldier;
  • this way, you will escape; complete the entire chapter to unlock the trophy;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Kara and Alice have crossed the border.

You will get this trophy in the "Battle for Detroit" chapter. But you will need one requirement: in the chapter "Crossroads", when you are running away from the Jericho soldiers through the tunnels, you will have to press the TRIANGLE button to pretend you are dead, then the X button to stay still. This way, you won't get caught. To get the trophy, you will have to follow the points we will list below:

  • At the beginning of the chapter, you will have to pass some soldiers. After sneaking behind the first row of cars, you can see Jerry (and Luther if he wasn't killed) being held at gunpoint by the police, waiting to be executed;
  • ...calmly spin around, grab a brick and take out the police to free Jerry (and Luther);
  • choose to go through the security checkpoint (quick but risky route), select the following dialog options: press TRIANGLE for the "EXCUSE ALICIA" option > press CIRCLE for the "STAI CALM" option (if Luther is with you) > press CIRCLE for the "COLD" option > press X for the "DO NOTHING" option > press X again to do nothing again > the guard will give you an object Alicia dropped and let you pass safely;
  • at the bus station, talk to the mother and her baby. They will leave their tickets, move the right analog stick down to pick them up. When they return, press the X button to choose the "Hold the tickets" option, press X again to confirm your choice;
  • Get on the bus;
  • at the border control, press L1 to see Jerry in the right lane (he is the boy you previously saved from the police execution). When you reach the end of the border control, choose the SACRIFICE JERRY option;
  • This way, Jerry will escape from the patrol and get shot, but the border control officer will be so distracted that he will let you pass without checking if you are an android or a human. You will also get the achievement in question along with the " Detroit: Become Human Happy Family" trophy if you have kept Luther alive so far in the game;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor has converted the androids.

You will get this trophy in Detroit: Become Human the chapter "The Battle of Detroit". To unlock it, you will have to follow the points that we will list below:

  • When Connor enters the elevator in the Tower of CyberLife, neutralize the two guards, imitate the voices of the guards and take the elevator to the -49th floor, where the androids are located;
  • eliminate the guards on floor -49;
  • When the second Connor points the gun at Hank's head, press the RIM button to save Hank, then press the TRIANGLE button to shoot;
    When Hank starts asking you questions, choose the following answers 1) TRIANGLE "SUMO" > 2) TRIANGLE "COLE";
  • this way, Hank will kill the fake Connor. Now the real Connor will convert the 1000 androids in the Cybernetic Life Warehouse and both Connor and Hank will remain alive;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor destroyed the leader of the deviants.

You will receive this trophy in the chapter "The Battle of Detroit". There are requirements that must be met: Connor must have become a Deviant (see the "ONE OF US" trophy description for more information) and he must cooperate with Markus. Obviously, both characters must still be alive until the final stages of the game. To unlock the trophy, you will have to follow the points listed below:

  • In the chapter "Crossover", when Connor confronts Markus in the captain's cabin, press the RIM button and make Connor become a deviant;
  • in the "Battle of Detroit" chapter, Markus must reach the end of his Revolution (see the "Liberation" trophy);
  • In the "Battle of Detroit" chapter, Connor will have converted the androids in the Cybernetic Life Warehouse (see the "PERSONAL EXERCISE" trophy);
  • Eventually, when Markus and Connor team up at the end of the game, CyberLife (Amanda) will try to hack Connor into pulling out his gun and killing Markus. Connor will briefly close his eyes and see Amanda, she will try to take control of him. Do nothing here, let her hack you (do not interact under any circumstances in Amanda's place). When Connor has been hacked, he will shoot Markus, the leader of the deviants;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor resisted CyberLife's rape attempt.

You will receive this trophy in the chapter "The Battle of Detroit". There are requirements that must be met: Connor must have become a Deviant (see the "ONE OF US" trophy description for more information) and he must cooperate with Markus. Obviously, both characters must still be alive until the final stages of the game. To unlock the trophy, you will have to follow the points listed below:

  • In the chapter "Crossover", when Connor confronts Markus in the captain's cabin, press the RIM button and make Connor become a deviant;
  • in the chapter "The Battle of Detroit", Markus must reach the end of his Revolution (see trophy "Liberation");
  • in the chapter "The Battle of Detroit", Connor will have converted the androids in the Cybernetic Life Warehouse (see the trophy "PERSONAL EXERCISE");
  • Eventually, when Markus and Connor team up at the end of the game, CyberLife (Amanda) will try to hack Connor into pulling out his gun and killing Markus. Connor will briefly close his eyes and see Amanda, she will try to take control of him. You will have to go to the right where the camera is centered, between the two lampposts on the right side of a tree. There you will find a blue touchpad that looks like a hand. You can also highlight it by pressing the R2 key when you are near it. Interact with the touchpad to end the hacking attempt;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor is still a machine.

You will receive this trophy from the Detroit: Become Human chapter "Crossroads". Both Connor and Markus must make it to the end of the chapter alive, and Connor must have figured out Jericho's location (see the "FOLLOW" trophy). To unlock the trophy, you will need to follow the points listed below:

  • When Connor confronts Markus in the captain's cabin, you must press the X button and choose the "Stay a car" option;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Connor has become a deviant.

You will receive this trophy from the Detroit: Become Human chapter "Crossroads". Both Connor and Markus must reach the end of the chapter alive, and Connor must have figured out Jericho's location (see the "FOLLOW" trophy). To unlock the trophy, you will need to follow the points listed below:

  • When Connor confronts Markus in the captain's cabin, you will need to press the RIM button and choose the "Become a Deviant" option;


Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Don't miss a single fight before the end.

This Detroit: Become Human trophy will require an entire run to get, and it's lost. During the course of the game, you'll find yourself fighting other characters, running away from danger or shooting, and you'll have to press the correct sequence of keys. It doesn't matter if you miss a single button, but if you miss several attempts, you will be overwhelmed by your opponents and lose. Select the casual difficulty to get this trophy more easily.

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Find all the magazines in the game.

To get this trophy, follow the steps in our Detroit: Become Human Magazine Guide.

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Hank and Connor are friends until the end.

To get this trophy, you will have to develop your friendship with Hank to the maximum and, of course, both he and Connor will have to stay alive until the end. There are key moments that can affect your bond, and others that will only be optional. Let's start by listing the "optional" moments:

  • Every time you talk to Hank, try to get a blue up arrow on his name instead of a red down arrow. The blue arrow means your relationship with him is improving. You can also check the status of your friendship at any time with the flowchart during one of Connor's levels. If you get some red arrows it doesn't matter, there are many opportunities to make up for it;
  • in the chapter "The Nest", save Hank at the end of the chase, let the deviant escape (see the trophy "Save Hank");
  • in "The Bridge", Hank doesn't have to shoot Connor;
  • in the chapter "Meet Kamski", Connor refuses to kill Chloe (see trophy "SIMILI");

Below, instead, we list the key moments to enhance his relationship with Hank:

  • in the chapter "Crossover", when Connor confronts Markus in the captain's cabin, he presses the RIM button, so Connor becomes a deviant;
  • in the chapter "The Battle of Detroit", (Connor in the Tower of Cybernetic Life) when the second Connor holds the gun to Hank's head, press the RIM button to save Hank, and press the TRIANGLE button to shoot;
  • In the chapter "The Battle of Detroit", (Connor to Cyberlife Tower) when Hank asks you questions, choose 1) press TRIANGLE for the "SUMO" option; 2) press TRIANGLE for the "COLE" option;
  • in the chapter "The Battle of Detroit", (Connor in the Tower of CyberLife) after Hank kills the fake Connor, now the real Connor will convert the 1000 androids in the CyberLife Storage and both Connor and Hank will still be alive;

Detroit: Become Human - Trophy Guide

Kara, Alice and Luther are together at the end.

To get this trophy, you will have to make sure that Kara, Alice and Luther make it to the end of the game alive. Among these three, Luther is undoubtedly the easiest character to lose; the moment he dies, you will have to replay the chapter in question, to get another epilogue. Below, we list all the moments where you have to save Luther:

  • In the "Zlatko" chapter, escape from the villa with Alice and join Luther at the end of the stage (see the trophy "Escape from the villa");
  • in the chapter "The Midnight Train", when the police arrive, talk to Luther and tell him to get on (see trophy: "CIRCULATE...");
  • in the chapter "Crossroads" (Kara), when Luther is hit in the foot during the escape from Jericho, press the RIM button and choose to help him. Take him safely to the next room and he will tell you to leave and that he will meet you later;
  • in the chapter "Crossroads" (Kara), when Kara and Alice escape from the soldiers (after escaping through the tunnels of Jericho), you must press the TRIANGLE button to pretend to be dead, and the X button to stay still. This way, they won't catch you;

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