The Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher can be obtained by completing a very long, multi-stage quest that you will gain access to after completing the main story content of Shadowkeep. For one of the final stages, you must get your hands on some bones and kill High Chief Sulmâkta. In this guide, we'll show you where to find it.
Destiny 2 - Where to find High Chief Sulmâkta
Luckily, High Conductor Sulmâkta isn't that hard to find, and you're even told where she'll be in Scarlet Keep. To gain access to the strike, choose it from the main moon map in your manager.
Once you've entered the strike, play it as usual until you get to the giant elevator at the end. You will find High Chief Sulmâkta on the second floor, to the left of the great door which is also on the left. Once you kill her, you will get the part you need. It should be noted that you don't actually need to land the killing blow, and anyone in the Strike will need this quest step when they die is complete, even if they won't be the one dealing the final blow. , but you will need to have him hurt.
For this step of the quest, you will also need a bone to kill a bone collector. These guys spawn near the Anchor of Light, so just go find him. The last bone you need can be obtained from any public event happening near Hellmouth on the Moon.
When all three stages are complete, you move on to the next part of the quest, which is basically killing a multitude of bosses, majors, and minor enemies. The best place for the first two is near Sorrow's Harbor. Just spawn the Nightmares and take them out, along with all of their minions, as they are considered bosses, and the Nightmare troops count as majors.
So here comes Guardian, you don't know where to find High Chief Sulmâkta, good luck killing her!