Where is Xur located this week?
This week, Xur can be found on Nessus. It is in its typical place on the barge at Watcher's Grave.
If you don't know how to get there, land at Watcher's Grave on Nessus. Head north just a bit and you'll see a giant floating barge. It's pretty hard to miss. Go up there and you can find Xur hanging out in the back by all the chests. Xur will stay there until the reset on Tuesday, so you'll have a few days to visit and browse his wares.
What is Xur selling this week?
Here are all of the weapons and armor that Xur brought with him this weekend along with the prices for the associated Legendary Shards:
- Exotic Engram - 97 Legendary Shards
- Prometheus Lens (Trace Rifle) - 29 Legendary Shards
- Young Ahamkara's Spine (Hunter's Gauntlets) - 23 Legendary Shards
- Hallowfire Heart (Titan Chest Armor) - 23 Legendary Shards
- Wings of Sacred Dawn (Warlock Chest Armor) - 23 Legendary Shards
All of Xur's items are Year One Exotics, so longtime players probably won't be too excited about this week's stock. However, the new Season of Dawn update made settings for Exotic Engrams, so now every Exotic Engram you pick up will act as an isochronous engram, meaning it will only give you an Exotic you don't have. not. This also goes for those you can buy from Xur, so you have a chance to get one of the brand new Season of Dawn Exotics every week. If you've ever racked up a collection of Exotic weapons and armor by playing hundreds of hours of Destiny 2, then your chances of getting a relatively recent Exotic are pretty good.