Free track content
While the Season Pass free track is much more limited in content and benefits than the premium track, the following season of Worthy content will be available to all players:
Free activities
- Power the Rasindin Warmind to defend the last town from the Red Legion
- Take part in the Seraph Tower public events
- Participate in bunker activities
- Fight PvP style in the Trials of Osiris every weekend (available to Guardians with a minimum power level of 960)
Free Articles
- Upgrade the Warmind Khanjali Seasonal Artifact to earn Seasonal Gear Mods
- Rank up to win the Exotic Auto Rifle, Tommy's Matchbook
- Level up to gradually earn the full set of Seventh Seraph Seasonal Armor
Premium Track content
While is currently free, the Paid Season Pass offers rewards not provided by the Free Track. In addition to all of the free Season 10 content covered above, premium Season Pass holders will have access to the following:
Premium activities
- Complete a new exotic questline
- Access legendary Lost Sectors
- Take part in the weekly Rasputin challenges
- Achieve new triumphs
- Complete new bounties
- Find and collect new books on seasonal traditions
Articles Premium
- Exotic Auto Rifle, Tommy's Matchbook instantly unlocks
- The Seventh Seraph's Seasonal Armor instantly unlocks
- Get a new Exotic Emote, Finisher, Ghost, and Ornament
- Access an XP boost that increases XP gains throughout Season 10
Season Pass Reward Levels
There are 100 Season Pass reward levels, although players can surpass these levels with enough XP. The image below provides an overview of the seasonal rewards granted by the Pass, with the gray areas representing the free track and the teal areas representing the premium track.
As this snapshot illustrates, Premium Pass holders benefit significantly more than readers of free content, as they will receive all image rewards, including free track items. Additionally, the XP boost that comes with the Premium Pass will allow paid players to level up and receive their rewards faster than free content players.
However, for more casual gamers who don't want to play or own all of the content that Season of the Worthy offers, the free track still features Bright Engrams which can be deciphered for cosmetic items and Bright Dust which can be spent on cosmetics in the Eververse store. It also gives players a Glow, Upgrade Mods, Exotic Engram, a few Legendary Weapons, Tommy's Matchbook, and the full set of Seventh Seraph Seasonal Armor which is gradually unlocked at different levels.
The Season Pass can be upgraded by completing various activities in Season 10, although as mentioned above, the XP boost provided to Premium Pass holders will allow those players to level up faster.
How to get the Season Pass
Bungie's Season Pass system is a bit confusing, so I've broken it down for everyone as follows:
- For those who have purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition or the Collector's Edition, the Season of the Worthy Season Pass is included and will instantly apply to your account when you log into Season 10.
- For those who purchase the Shadowkeep Upgrade Edition or Expansion in Season of the Worthy, the Season 10 Pass will also instantly apply to your account upon login.
- For those who purchased the Upgrade Edition or the Shadowkeep Expansion during Season of Dawn, you will need to purchase the Season 10 Pass, as you have already used your pass included with Season 9.
- Finally, if you are a free player, you will also need to purchase the Season Pass if you want a premium content experience.
The Season Pass costs 1000 Silver Coins, which equates to approximately $ 10. It can be purchased in the Eververse store, located in the Tower, and those who purchase the pass later in the season after upgrading their character will receive all Seasonal Pass premium rewards up to their level upon purchase.
Unlike expansions, Season Passes are cross-save compatible and do not need to be redeemed from platform to platform.
Finally, the Season Pass will last from the start of Season 10 on March 10 (or from the time of purchase if you purchase it at a later date) until the end of the Worthy season on June 9, 2020.