Exotic weapons
Charge d'Izanagi
- Reload speed no longer affects the animation of Honed Edge
- No Distractions now replaces Outlaw
The last word
- While firing on the hip, Fan Fire now adjusts the scalar accuracy of the weapons
- Weapon impact values have been adjusted with the following:
- Precision Hip Decrease / ADS to 27 / 52,2 from 67,95 / 67,95
- Decreased Hip / ADS Non-Precision to 38/38 from 50.01 / 50.01
- Additional effective range (damage reduction) no longer guaranteed when aiming sights
- Reduced stability for mouse and keyboard input
- Improved acquisition of targets for this weapon when shooting from the hip
- Reduced effective range
Fighting lion
- Increased rate of fire to 90 rpm instead of 72 rpm
- Increased damage from direct hits in PvE to 35 from 27
Devil's Ruin
- Fixed a bug that allowed pyrogenesis to trigger at unexpected times, causing the laser to fire repeatedly
- Fixed a bug that randomly prevented the weapon from firing
- Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed the weapon to damage its allies
Lord of wolves
- When active, Release the Wolves now significantly reduces accuracy
- Reduced stability for mouse and keyboard input
All swords have been modified to make them more effective and efficient in combat. They are now measured by the following stats: Impact, Rotation Speed, Charge Rate, Guard Resistance, Guard Effectiveness, Guard Stamina, Ammo Capacity, and Energy.
- When wielded, a sword's energy meter replaces a player's melee ability
- A sword's energy can now be consumed by various sword-related actions and naturally recovers on its own
- A player's glider ability can no longer be activated during sword attacks or other melee attacks.
- Light attacks
- Light Attack Ropes on all sword sub-archetypes can now be looped endlessly
- Light attacks for all sub-archetypes can now cut to hit multiple enemies
- Heavy attacks
- Heavy attacks now consume sword energy to varying degrees, depending on the type of sword and attack used
- Full energy produces the strongest heavy attacks
- Protection now consumes sword energy rather than ammo, but a minimum of 1 ammo is required to use this ability
- Some of the damage from sword attacks can now bypass elemental shields to strike a target directly
- There are exceptions to this ability, such as with sword-generated projectile attacks.
Advantages of the sword
- Whirling blade will end if the player using it starts guarding, and multi-hit attacks now only count as a single hit
- En garde damage bonus is now reduced from + 50% to + 30%
- Lame explosive damage bonus is now reduced from 3x to around 1,67x.
- Energy transfer now gains less energy than before because the guardian no longer consumes ammo
- Counter attack its activation requirements have been changed so that blocking an attack immediately after protection increases damage for a short duration of 2 seconds, which has been reduced by 5 seconds
Additional information on sword changes can be found in this article
Grenade launcher
- Electric weapon grenade launchers deal approximately 10% less damage to major enemies and above
- Aggressive Frame Grenade Launcher Became Rapid Fire Frame Grenade Launcher
- Grenade Launchers with Rapid Fire Structure now have increased ammo reserves, but their damage has been reduced by 0,8x to account for their increased rate of fire
- Previously, aggressive frame grenade launchers fired faster than adaptive launchers, although their damage was equal.
Sniper rifles
- Reduced damage to major and greater enemies to pre-Shadowkeep values (~ -20%)
- Reduced accuracy multiplier for adaptive snipers from 3,25x to 2,95x
- Base impact reduced for rapid fire snipers from 100 to 90 damage
- Adjusted target acquisition for non-slug shotguns to no longer account for precision locations (which could cause most shots to miss the intended target)
- The cone angle is no longer adjusted by the Range statistic, but on a sub-archetype basis
- Downsight no longer adjusts effective range
Fusion rifles
- Adjusted target acquisition for Fusion Rifles to no longer account for precision locations (which could cause most shots to miss the intended target)
- The damage reduction for this weapon archetype can now be 0,5x, down from 0,75x previously.
- The effective range and optical stat impact of this weapon archetype has been reduced
Automatic rifles
- Precision Frame automatic rifles have had their impact value increased to 17 / 27,2 Default / Precision from the previous 17 / 25,5.
- Adaptive Frame Rifles impact value increased to 15,75 / 25,2 Default / Accuracy from previous 13,75 / 22.
- Rapid Fire Frame Rifles have increased their impact value to 13,4 / 20,1 Default / Accuracy from the previous 12,5 / 18,75.
Weapons advantages
Backup plan
- This perk now adjusts impact to match the Rapid-Fire subarchetype when active
- Charge time is now set to match the Rapid Fire sub-archetype of 0,85 when active
One-two punch
- This perk now ends when you swap weapons or deal melee damage
General weapon issues
- Fixed an issue with the emissive elements on One Thousand Voices and on the Summer Storm weapon ornaments for Riskrunner and Jade Countenance for Fighting Lion
- Fixed an issue that kept the Multikill clip active indefinitely
- Fixed an issue where killing Shanks with Lumina would not always generate a Remnant
- Fixed an issue where Wish-Ender dealt more damage than intended when shooting through specific objects
- Fixed an issue where large amounts of the Lord of Wolves ornament, Packmaster's Command, would disappear when standing next to a wall
This listing is part of a series on the patch for the Season of the Worthy update. Check out the rest of the 2.8.0 patch notes in this main guide.