Before we explore how to farm Warmind Bits, there are a few other seasonal currencies players should be aware of: Warmind Bits and Crypto Chipsets.
Encrypted Warmind bits
- Used to: buy new weapon frames in Seraph bunkers
- Used to: open special chests after completing Seraph Tower Public Events
- Bred by: complete Rasputin Daily Bounties
- Earn one per daily bounty, per character
- Bred by: purchase of bunker upgrades
- EDZ Seraph Bunker Updates
- Level 1: Encrypted Warmind bits awarded for completing Zavala, Shaxx, Hawthorne, Drifter, and Banshee-44 challenges
- Level 2: EDZ Rasputin Chests have a chance to return Used Warmind Encrypted Bits
- Moon Seraph Bunker Upgrades
- Level 1: Encrypted Warmind bits awarded for completing Strikes, Crucible Matches, Gambit Matches, and Nightmare Hunts
- Level 2: Lunar Rasputin Chests have a chance to return used Warmind Encrypted Bits
- Io Seraph Bunker Upgrades (Io Bunker available April 7)
- Level 1: Encrypted Warmind bits awarded for completing Flashpoint, Dungeon, and Raid challenges
- Level 2: Io Rasputin Chests have a chance to return Used Warmind Encrypted Bits
- EDZ Seraph Bunker Updates
- Used to: buy and upgrade parts of the Seraph bunkers of Rasputin
- Won by: purchase of bunker upgrades
- Won by: direct purchase with 500 Warmind Bits, five Legendary Shards and 5,000 Glimmer
Bits Warmind
Now that we've covered Encrypted Warmind Bits and Chipsets, let's take a look at how to earn Warmind Bits, the most common currency of the three.
- Raspoutine Bounties
- Two weekly bounties: 50 Warmind Bits each, or 100 in total
- Five Daily Bounties: 10 Warmind Bits each, or 50 in total
- A repeatable bounty: 10 Warmind bits each
- Seraph Tower Public Events
- Réussite: 10 bits Warmind
- Failed attempt: 4 bit Warmind
- Legendary Lost Sectors
- Chest opening: 10 bit Warmind
- Daily Bunker Busters
- Daily Completion: 10 Bit Warmind
Players below power level 980 can more effectively mine Warmind Bits by purchasing level 1-3 cost-cutting bunker upgrades while completing Rasputin Bounties and Seraph Tower public events. For higher-level players, combining these cost-saving upgrades with Legendary Lost Sectors is often the fastest way to create Warmind Bits. Just be sure to pay attention to modifiers like Overload, Barrier, and Unstoppable Champions to adjust your gear accordingly.