The Cerberus +1 is a strange weapon in Destiny 2. An exotic assault rifle with a slightly increased rate of fire, but four cannons with which it can fire low accuracy bullets. You can also get your hands on the Exotic Catalyst for the Cerberus +1. This will change the behavior when it is active. If you hit R while holding the weapon, the bullets are reduced in number, the rate of fire is reduced, and the effective range is shorter.
Destiny 2 - How to get Cerberus + 1 Exotic Catalyst
To get the exotic Cerberus +1 catalyst, you just need to kill enemies in pretty much every activity in the game. I had dropped it during Vex's offensive, after killing a major. Others reported that he fell during strikes, campaign missions and patrols. The only activity I've never seen a drop for is PvP. As such, come out and start killing, and the Catalyst will eventually come to you.
Now, whether it's worth it or not, it's a different tale. You will have to kill enemies with Cerberus + 1 until the bar is full, which will unlock the masterpiece effect of the squeeze option. For PvP, it's simple, it's not worth it. When you are very close the weapon becomes a two or three shot kill, but you will be overwhelmed by shotguns or a precise shot from an SMG. There is hardly any way to win these fights.
In PvE however, it becomes a different story. You can stay close to most enemies, and the weapon will absolutely demolish bosses and majors, giving you consistently high DPS when you can stay on hand.
So, now you know how to get the Exotic Catber + 1 Catalyst in Destiny 2, if you feel that it's a valuable addition to your arsenal is entirely up to you and your playstyle.