The weekly reset in Destiny 2 has arrived, and with it a whole new set of challenges and things to do in the game. You're going to find a lot of things to do this week, and one of the new things players will want to do is the next goal of Nightfalls. This week, Destiny 2 focuses on Savathun's song. In it, the Guardians will venture into the depths of Titan to learn what the Hive is up to. For those who complete the strike within a reasonable time, they can get a reward, the legendary Duty Bound Automotive Rifle. Here is how you do it.
Destiny 2 - How to Get Homework Bound
To make sure that the service entitlement is linked, you need to open the main screen of your destination and go to the Vanguard section. You're going to want to move on to the third option, which you can see below.
The Duty Bound is not a guaranteed strike solution. It's a random roll that will force you to go through the mode over and over again. To ensure you have the best chance of getting this legendary Auto Rifle, you'll want to play the mode with the highest difficulty available for your light level. You can change the light level corresponding to the attack before initiating the matching setting.
You have several difficulties at your disposal before going on strike:
- Adept - Light 750
- Hero - Lumière 920
- Legend – 950 Light
- Master - 980 Light
Each of these different modes will come with a range of different modifiers to make hitting harder even harder for you and your team. Be sure to review your light level and modifiers for each mode before you jump into a match. To ensure you get the best possible score, choose the one that most closely matches your light level. However, don't go too high. For example, if you are at level 910, you might want a bit more gear before moving on to Hero, which is level 920. You are only three in a strike, so you can't expect two other players. to carry you through the whole thing.
Here are the stats for the service limit when you get it:
- Impact: 21
- Range: 42
- Stability: 45
- Manipulation: 61
- Reload Speed: 54
- Revolutions per minute: 600
- Magazine: 41
You can change these stats depending on the type of active perks you gain when the weapon drops for you. These are the active perks that you can acquire with the weapon. It will always have an adaptive frame, making it a well rounded, reliable and solid weapon.
- Fastdraw IS: Increases handling speed and increases range.
- Red Dot-ORS1: increases range and increases processing speed
- Ricochet towers: increases stability and range - balls bounce off hard surfaces.
- Rounding Precise: Increases the range.
- Zen Moment: When you damage with this weapon, it increases your stability
- Rampage: When you kill with this weapon it gives your weapon an extra boost. Players can stack this up to three times.
The best way to acquire the Duty Bound in Destiny 2 Go through the Nightfall version of the strike and go with the highest score. You will score goals by killing enemies, collecting orbs and finishing the strike quickly. You can see the score modifier at the bottom left of your screen and the modifier weakens if you don't complete it after 15 minutes.
Good luck, Guardians, and enjoy the new week.