The Festival of the Lost has started in Destiny 2, and that means new triumphs! One of the new triumphs, Bright Smile, wants you to brush your teeth and will not be completed until your breath is refreshed. In this guide, we show you what to do.
Destiny 2 - Bright Smile Triumph Guide - How to Brush Your Teeth
To begin this triumph, you will need to visit Eris Morn on the moon, after completing your first descent into the Haunted Forest. She will give you a small box of raisins. The important thing here is the description, which tells you that they may appeal to someone from the Tangled Shore who has an interest in ancient Earth culture. This means the spider! Bring him the raisins and he'll give you a little task. You will have to kill 12 Hive, Cabal, Torn and Fallen enemies on the Tangled Shore.
When you're done, head back to the spider and he'll give you a Winged Chew, made by Clovis Bray. Take this to Ana Bray on Mars. She will provide you with a small quest to kill 10 enemies with Kinetic, Energy and Power weapons on Mars. When this is done, return to Ana, who will provide you with Unchocolate, which you will then take to Asher Mir on Io. Give him the Non-Chocolate, and he'll ask for 10 precision hits against enemies Taken and Vex on Io. Go back to him and he will give you a piece of celery.
Bring the celery to Brother Vance on Mercury, then get 10 Arc, Solar, and Void kills on Mercury. Go back to Brother Vance to get the Splice Drops. Bring the Splice Drops to Failsafe on Nessus, who will work to get you 5 kills skills against Fallen, Vex, and Cabal on Nessus.
When that's done, head back to Failsafe, which will give you the Savory Candy. Bring the salty candies to Devrim Kay on the EDZ, and he'll ask you to get five finishers against Fallen enemies, Cabal, and Taken on the EDZ. Coming back to him after that will give you the Sour engram.
Take the deaf engram to Petra Venj in the city of dreams. She will ask you to get 5 melee and grenade kills and 10 super kills in the city of dreams. She will then give you the sweet engram.
Take the Sugar Engram to Sloane on Titan, who will ask you to kill the Solarium, Party Rooms, and Arboretum. Just fill the bar 100% for each location. Go back to Sloane to get the empty Fizz.
Take the Void Fizz to Eris, who will ask you to do a little dance for her and give you a Goody bag and a toothbrush. Display your inventory, then use the toothbrush and the brilliant smile triumph will be complete.