The Chaperone's quest in Destiny 2 Beyond Light begins in the Cosmodrome.
As I mentioned before, you'll be thrown your feet into a story mission once you launch Destiny 2 Beyond Light, and it's up to you to decide if you want to complete it head to the Cosmodrome, or to draw chalk and come back to it later. Considering that Europa recommends a minimum power level of 1060 (and you start the game at 1050), it may be best to grind a bit before starting the story. What better way than to work to earn your own rifle masquerading as a shotgun?
Take the landing zone next to new Zone NPC Shaw Han and speak with him when you land. Underneath his selection of Cosmodrome Bounties is the first stage of The Chaperone's quest, "Blast from the Past." This step is simple: kill things. The more powerful the enemy, the more progress you will gain. You can technically complete this anywhere, but the Cosmodrome isn't a terrible place to collect loot while you're working on the quest (unfortunately, the Loot Cave remains nerfed).
Once you've murdered everything that moves and knocked out this stage, you'll be tasked with killing even more enemies, but with your abilities this time around. Supers provide the most advancement, so you'll want to equip a super capable of decimating a large number of enemies per use. Again, this can be done anywhere, but the Cosmodrome is not a bad place to linger. That, and you'll need to talk to Shaw Han when you're done.
He'll send you to speak with Amanda Holliday in the tower, who will then send you to Europe to - you guessed it - kill more enemies! You will need to defeat 100 enemy fighters and complete three public events. The events don't have to be heroic, but if there are other people hosting the event with you, be courteous and make the event heroic.
After collecting data on Europa, you'll return to Amanda in the tower again, and she will have one final stage to complete. You will have to kill targets in Gambit or Crucible with precision damage and with a shotgun. These are two separate tasks, although a precision kill with a shotgun will progress in both. I know I said you don't need to play Crucible to win The Chaperone in Destiny 2 Beyond Light, and I stand by that statement. Line up for Gambit (which is only one turn now), and start killing the regular enemies there. Yes, keepers count for an extra charge, but not all of us are great hunters.
Once you've completed this final step, return to Amanda for yourself The Chaperon Exotic Shotgun. Its characteristic advantage, Precision Slug, is why the Chaperone is more of a rifle than a shotgun. Dominating someone on a Crucible map with that bad boy is a death sentence, but your goal will have to be precise. If you're a sniper, you'll get The Roadborn perk, where precision shots briefly grant additional handling, range, and accuracy damage with the weapon. Sensational.