These giant creatures suck you into a world of black tar. It is possible to escape, but you can also fight to eliminate an entire bluetongue virus infestation, making it easier to travel back to certain areas for a short time. These mini-bosses spawn in any BT infested area, and if you're captured you'll have to fight an Apparition. They are a bit like shark-octopus hybrids.
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How to clear BT infestations and earn chiral crystals
In any rainy region, you may encounter an apparition. These huge creatures resemble hybrids of squid sharks and attack by charging on the tar. They only appear if you're caught by BTs, but that ends any stealth - you don't have to sneak up when you can just fight.
If you're ready, it's worth just fighting these things. Don't forget to be prepared: equip two blood bags in your utility pouch, bring a pair of airtight grenades, and equip an anti-BT handgun. You will need everything to win. The anti-BT gun is particularly useful. A fully charged hit does massive damage on spawn.
The creature attacks in a fairly simple pattern. It charges, soaking the surrounding area with black tar and slowing your movement. You'll have to jump on the debris - there are cars and trucks floating in the tar that you can use to avoid getting sucked in. Dodge the creature's attacks and shoot the monster with blood.
To do even more damage, look for the red spots on the monster's body. With the Lvl pistol. 2, you can switch between standard balls and airtight balls. Airtight bullets leave red bloodstains on the monster - these areas become weak spots compared to standard lethal ammo. Shoot at these points to deal bonus damage to the BT.
Keep moving, stay out of the black tar. This is just the first of many. Killing it will clear the area of BT virus infestation, making the return safer. It also leaves a treasure of chiral crystals. If you are feeling weak, simply go to a BT point and clean the area. It only takes a few minutes and you can easily restore your ammo while sleeping in a safe house.