With bridges, you can cross chasms and end-of-mission rivers, making it much easier to travel with a vehicle. Among all the structures of PCC, the humble bridge is one of the best. Too bad they are extremely expensive to build yourself. You can do this, but if you want to save resources, it is best to encourage other players online to help you.
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How To Build Bridges | Guide to PCC Community Projects
At the Distribution Center west of Capital Knot City, you will eventually be able to unlock the ability to build a bridge from your PCC. This CCP works differently from the rest of the structures - instead of just making a structure available to everyone, the community must work together to complete the construction of the bridges.
A bridge requires a huge amount of metal to build - 800. You will need to subtract 800 metal resources from the nearest station connected to the Chiral network. Once you have placed a bridge or found one by another player online, you can add resources to that bridge to complete it.
There are four slots, so you can add metal to a large 200 container. It's possible to build a bridge yourself, but it's even better to do it with your Porter peers - as you go. go ahead, you will realize some areas which are incredibly annoying to walk through.
- NOTE: Hold (The options) stand on the first section of the bridge to access the menu. From there, you can repair your donations to finish building the bridge.
Places like canyons or large rivers with deep water are difficult to cross with vehicles or with a lot of cargo. If you place a bridge building site with a PCC, other players online will definitely help you finish it if it is in an interesting area.
I have seen bridges placed in completely unnecessary areas. Don't worry about helping these build. Focus only on the most useful decks, placing them in extremely convenient locations, and collaborate with friends to earn lots of likes. It's very simple! All you need is a PCC to get started.
To remove metal resources from any settlement, go to the delivery terminal and select 'Claim Materials'. There is usually a large stock of reserve resources available to collect in any zone connected to USC.