The Memory Chip is one of the collectible items you will find during your Death Stranding adventure. The chips in question are 56, a considerable number, but rest assured: none of these collectables are missing! In case you forgot to take one of these chips, in fact, you can return to all areas of the game, as soon as you finish the plot, in the free roaming phase which you will access immediately after the credits.
How research works
You can also monitor the progress of your searches by pressing Options > Left > Data > Memory Chips. If you have found a specific memory chip, a key icon will appear on it. However, just finding these items will not allow you to get your hands on the related trophies; to get them, in fact, you will have to decrypt the chips by taking them to a terminal.
As soon as you'll have done what now said with all the memory chips, you'll have the chance to unlock three trophies: Fount of Knowledge, A Thirst for Knowledge and Homo Faber, to which chip #31 is connected.
To make navigation easier, we have implemented an index in this guide so that you can find the section you are looking for with a single click. We also remind you that the guide is constantly updated, so come back often to visit us so that you don't miss an update from us.
Death Stranding: Where to find the Memory Chip
Before you go in search of these collectible items, it's good to read these two small and brief tips. First, as soon as you've unlocked the level 2 PCC, you'd better make connections with the climbing ropes, so you can easily reach any point on the game map where a chip might be hidden.
Secondly, we strongly recommend you to develop all the buildings at level 5 (which will also make it easier for you to get the "Best Beloved" trophy). After improving all the facilities, sleep in one room, and make sure you read all the emails that will arrive on your terminal. Reading these messages is of paramount importance, as they may unlock the location of some memory chips on the game map. Some of these items will be blocked if you do not take certain facilities to the highest possible level.
Finally, in case you happen to come across some memory chips during your adventure, always try to retrieve them: this will save you a lot of trouble when you have to search for the rest.
Use the map to see the nearest chip, and plan the most effective route to take it. If a particular chip is not present in the area indicated in the guide, it means that you will first have to take the buildings to level 5 and then read all the emails that will arrive on your terminal.
Death Stranding | All memory chips
East Region
Death Stranding | All memory chips
Central Region
Death Stranding | All memory chips
West Region
[WORKS IN PROGRESS]Death Stranding: the exact location of all memory chips

- Memory Chip #1
- Location: Frame Arms: Byakko - You will find it on a rock, located a few meters south - west of the Waystation West of Capital Knot City.
- Memory Chip #2
- Location: Frame Arms Girls: Byakko - You will find it practically behind the structure called Wind Farm.
- Memory Chip #3
- Location: Frame Arms: Kagetora - Once you arrive in Lake Knot City, head east to the city walls, and there you will find a truck with the chip inside.
- Memory Chip #4
- Location: Frame Arms: Genbu - You will find this chip at the base of the satellite dish located southwest of the weather station.
- Memory Chip #5
- Location: Frame Arms: Mingwu - The chip will be located at the entrance of a small tunnel located near Mama's Lab.
- Memory Chip #6
- Location: Kotobukiya Ludens Girl Model - This chip will be located on the hood of a truck just outside the entrance to the North of Mountain Knot City Distribution Center.
- Memory Chip #7
- Location: Prime 1 Studio 1/2 Scale Ludens Statue - Starting from Mountain Knot City, head north to see pillars on a snowy plateau. The memory chip is located between these pillars.
- Memory Chip #8
- Location: Sentinel 1/6 Ludens Action Figure - It will be located halfway between the Doctor and the Photographer in a cave.
- Memory Chip #9
- Location: Max Factory Ludens figma - This memory chip is located on the shore of South Knot City Crater Lake. You will see it at the lower end of the shore, among some rubble, within the perimeter of South Knot City.
- Memory Chip #10
- Location: Good Smile Company Nendoroid Jumbo Ludens - [WORKS IN PROGRESS]
- Memory Chip #11
- Location: Christine - Starting from Elder, descend the hill in a northeasterly direction: you will find the memory chip lying at the bottom of the mountain.
- Memory Chip #12
- Location: Godzilla - You will find this memory chip in Mountain Knot City, more precisely in the tar pit next to the facility itself. It is not obtainable when you reach the place in question for the first time, but only after episode 6 has started and after the tar pit has emptied.
- Memory Chip #13
- Location: The Walk - You will find it at the top of the mountain practically next to First Prepper. This memory chip will only be generated after you have increased the level of "First Prepper". As you increase the level of this facility, you will receive an email from First Prepper with the title "Food tastes better when you are on top! Only after reading this email will the memory chip appear in the game world! Sleep in a private room to receive new emails after upgrading this facility.
- Memory Chip #14
- Location: Stand By Me - You'll find it on top of the incinerator west of Lake Knot City, in one of the small bridges leading to the large chimney. This chip will only be generated after it has been upgraded to "Waystation North of Mountain Knot City". As soon as you have increased the level of this facility, you will receive an email from Charles Khan with the title "Something Glowing Down in the Crater ...". Only after reading this email, will the memory chip be generated in the game! Sleep in a private room to receive new emails after increasing the level of this structure.
- Memory Chip #15
- Location: Big Fish - You'll find the chip in question on the top of a container in the Port of Knot City.
- Memory Chip #16
- Location: Fright Night - A little west of the Ruined Shelter crater (outside the crater), near the water where the map ends, to the north, you will find this chip.
- Memory Chip #17
- Location: Matango - Head southeast of Elder and north of Film Director. At some point, you will come across a large cluster of cryptobiots with a tall cryptobiotic tree. Right next to the tree, you'll find the memory chip you're looking for.
- Memory Chip #18
- Location: The Seven Samurai - You will find it in the cave leading to the MULE camp, south of the Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City.
- Memory Chip #19
- Location: The Bridge on the River Kwai - Between Timefall Farm and Mama's Lab you will find a river. In the middle of the river, you will notice a broken bridge: on the western bank of the bridge, you will find this new memory chip.
- Memory Chip #20
- Location: Dr. Strangelove - Starting from Heartman's laboratory, head southwest, where the heart-shaped lake is located. As for the chip, you will find it on the shore where the two halves of the heart meet, to the south.
- Memory Chip #21
- Location: Eggshell Carving - you will find it at MULE camp just south of Lake Knot City.
- Memory Chip #22
- Location: Glasscraft - East of Craftsman, you will find a MULE field: head north and you will come across a road under construction. On the nearby mountain range, you will find a small alcove: the memory chip is there.
- Memory Chip #23
- Location: Coffee Cup - Head to MULE camp north of Timefall Farm. You will find the memory chip in one of the tents where the MULE mailbox is located, on the right side of the camp.
- Memory Chip #24
- Location: Soap Bubble - climb to the roof of Timefall Farm and head to the broken balustrade: that's where you'll find the memory chip;
- Memory Chip #25
- Location: Frozen Soap Bubble - Head a little to the west of Heartman's lab, on a rather high rock cliff: that's where you'll find the chip.
- Memory Chip #26
- Location: Dandelion Seeds - Head to the mountains south of Spiritualist. This is where the hut was destroyed by the tornado at the end of episode 8 that trapped you and Deadman in the scene of World War II. The chip will be right in the ruins of the house in question.
- Memory Chip #27
- Location: Wine Glass - You will find the chip in question west of Mountaineer, in a cave halfway along a mountain trail, near the summit.
- Memory Chip #28
- Location: Pottery - you'll find it in the tall tower just behind Mama's Lab. To reach the chip, however, you will need a ladder.
- Memory Chip #29
- Location: Snow Crystal - You'll find this collectible item to the south-east of Mountain Knot City, located next to a building (recognizable by the square metal plates on the outside) in the highest part of the nearby mountains.
- Memory Chip #30
- Location: Fused Silicon - Go to the full slit south of Paleontologist. This chip will appear only after you have upgraded the homonymous structure. As you level up this facility, you will receive an email entitled "Much Respect to Porters Everywhere!". Only after reading this email will the memory chip be generated in the game! Sleep in a private room to receive new emails after you upgrade this facility.
- Memory Chip #31
- Location: Reverse Trike: "Ride" Type - About halfway between South Knot City and the weather station you will find a waterfall. At the bottom of the waterfall, on the west side, follow the river bank and you'll find the memory chip in a small recess.
- Memory Chip #32
- Location: Honda NSR250R - This memory chip is located in the MULE field south-west of Craftsman and north of Elder.
- Memory Chip #33
- Location: Honda Rebel 500 - You will find the memory chip in the MULE camp north of Timefall Farm, in the leftmost P.O. box of the camp.
- Memory Chip #34
- Location: Triumph Bonneville Bobber - A memory chip is located in the MULE field between Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City and the director. You will find this collectible item inside a tent, more precisely on a sofa.
- Memory Chip #35
- Location: Triumph Street Triple RS - You will find it at the Junk Dealer, on some containers.
- Memory Chip #36
- Location: Yamaha MT-09 - This chip is located in the MULE camp southwest of Craftsman (more precisely, in the location of the MULE P.O. box, in the upper left area of the camp).
- Memory Chip #37
- Location: Yamaha RD500LC - You will find it in the MULE field between istribution Center North of Mountain Knot City and Waystation North of Mountain Knot City.
- Memory Chip #38
- Location: Kawasaki Z1 (900 Super Four) - Found inside the MULE field south of Distribution Center North of Mountain Knot City and east of Novelist's Son.
- Memory Chip #39
- Location: Kawasaki Ninja H2R - in MULE field halfway between Exo-devo Biologist and UCA-41-011: Potential Chiral Relay Construction Site.
- Memory Chip #40
- Location: Harley-Davidson Pan America 1250 - [PROGRESS WORKS]
- Memory Chip #41
- Location: Death Stranding/Low Roar - You will find the memory chip in front of a blue container east of the Port Knot City entrance.
- Memory Chip #42
- Location: Lucio Fulci's Horror & Thriller Compilation - You'll find it on the roof of the incinerator west of Capital Knot City.
- Memory Chip #43
- Location: Deep Red Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - You'll find the memory chip on a rooftop across the street west of the isolation wards in Capital Knot City. However, the collectible object in question will only be generated after you increase the "Capital Knot City" level, and only after reading their email "A Weird Glowing Object in Capital Knot City". Sleep in a private room after you have increased the level of the structure, so you can receive the above emails.
- Memory Chip #44
- Location: Thelma Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Located in the abandoned building (BT area) between Craftsman and the Waystation north of Mountain Knot City.
- Memory Chip #45
- Location: dawn/SILENT POETS - You will find the memory chip in question north-east of Musician, near a large natural arch in the rock;
- Memory Chip #46
- Location: Low Roar/Low Roar - You will find it north of Timefall Farm.
- Memory Chip #47
- Location: 0/Low Roar - The partworks are located within Lake Knot City. You'll find it on top of a container, in the place where you landed in Lake Knot City after making the boat trip with Fragile.
- Memory Chip #48
- Location: Once In A Long, Long While.../Low Roar - Start from Film Director and continue straight north until you reach a gas filled slit in the ground. In this chasm, you'll find the memory chip (watch out for poisonous gas, don't spend too much time in this place).
- Memory Chip #49
- Location: God of War Original Video Game Soundtrack - You will find it lying on a rock, next to a mailbox, almost exactly halfway between Wind Farm and the Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City.
- Memory Chip #50
- Location: Bronson Soundtrack - The memory chip will be located northwest of the North Waystation of Mountain Knot City.
- Memory Chip #51
- Location: Valhalla Rising: Original Soundtrack by Peter Peter & Peter Kyed - The memory chip in question is located on the mountaintop south of Timefall Farm, more precisely next to a scaffold.
- Memory Chip #52
- Location: Nicolas Winding Refn The Wicked Die Young - Southeast of Mountain Knot City there are some ruins of tall black towers. Among the ruins in question, you will find the memory chip you are looking for.
- Memory Chip #53
- Location: My Life Directed By Nicolas Winding Refn - [WORKS IN PROGRESS]
- Memory Chip #54
- Location: An Unknown Man's Journal Part 1 - You will find the chip in question at the entrance to the Ruined Shelter crater (the southwest point inside the crater), near the ruins of some buildings.
- Memory Chip #55
- Location: An Unknown Man's Journal Part 2 - You'll find it in the abandoned town of BT, southwest of Junk Dealer, where you'll need to go on his behalf to collect certain items during your adventure. The memory chip is located in the back of a car, in an old street, near a destroyed bridge.
- Memory Chip #56
- Location: An Unknown Man's Journal Part 3 - You will find it in the Higgs hideout, but only after completing episode 9. After episode 9, in fact, you will receive an e-mail from him, in which he will tell you about his hiding place, which is at the Peter Englert facility. Go to Peter Englert (the structure east of the Ruined Shelter) and you will find the front door open. Once inside, you will find the final location of the memory chip, more precisely: you will find it attached to a blackboard, along with many photographs and newspaper clippings.