Here, I'll walk you through how to complete all the stages of this side quest. Unfortunately, you won't really unlock anything great like in the first game. These quests are just for your own personal satisfaction.
In this original side quest, you'll search for lost ingredients for a local chef. To complete it, you have to do something for another character - there's a guy named Avery. Finding him for the Chef's Quest is difficult, and if you pick up the quest in Chapter 2, you'll have to complete it before it's too late. Fortunately, you will be able to reload the chapters after completing the game and carry over all your stuff.
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How to complete the “A Tradition Leader” side quest | Thyme location guide
To complete the “A Tradition Leader” side quest, you must find Avery in the small park near the graveyard. You can find it on Saturdays in the morning. He will give you a separate quest to help you get the thyme. Let’s go back a bit before we get into the details.
There are three steps to solving the quest “A Lore Leader” - there is one ingredient you need for each step. Here's where to find them all.
- Ingredient # 1: Rice - Rice is located at the Clarkson Sugar Cane Plantation. Find him outside the barn.
- Ingredient # 2: Green pepper - Green pepper is at Alexus' place on a bench.
- Ingredient # 3: Thyme - The most difficult ingredient to obtain by far. To earn it, you must accept a quest from Avery. It is an NPC who appears at the graveyard on Saturday morning. Talk to him and continue his quest. To complete it, you need to enter the red world after midnight and kill 30 enemies.
For completing this seemingly disconnected side quest, you'll earn Thyme. You'll have to talk to Avery at a very specific time, so it's really easy to miss. You also need to complete the chef's quest before you reach the section of episode 2 where you can buy rice and beans at the local restaurant.
If you are past this point in the story, you will have to wait to earn NG + after beating the game. Then you can reload Chapter 2 and complete this tricky quest.