It's been a little over a year since the release of Darksiders III, and since then fans of the series have craved more. While waiting for a new title, we released Darksiders Warmastered Edition and Darksiders II Deathfinitive Edition on Nintendo Switch this year. Now we can finally take on the role of Strife and experience Darksiders like never before.
Development and reception
Darksiders Genesis was first announced by THQ Nordic in June 2019. The announcement teaser surprised everyone because the game was nothing like the three old Darksiders titles. Unlike traditional third-person action-adventure, Genesis decided to adopt a top-down camera style, similar to that used in many popular action RPGs like Diablo 3 and Path of Exile. Many fans of the series were questioning this decision, but were nonetheless eager to see what innovations this spin-off will bring to the table.
Darksiders Genesis was developed by Airship Syndicate, the game studio known for developing Battle Chasers: Nightwar. In addition, Airship Syndicate was formed by Joe Madureira and Ryan Stefanelli, two The co-founders of Vigil Games. For those of you who don't know, Vigil Games was the developer of The first two Darksiders games, so naturally Airship Syndicate was more than familiar with the entire franchise.
The game was released by THQ Nordic on December 5, 2019, on PC and Stadia, with The releases for Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch slated for February 14, 2020. So far, Darksiders Genesis has been met with very critical reviews. positive, earning The benefits scores with game audiences and critics.
The story of Darksiders Genesis takes place before the events of the main series, so this spin-off serves as a prequel to the well-established Darksiders framework. Throughout the game, players will take control of two iconic The Cavaliers - War and Strife, as they hunt down The Demon Masters who have gained power from the Demon King, Lucifer. This turned The Balance upside down, and it's up to the Cavaliers to face these master demons and get things back to normal.
This is probably the most interesting and innovative aspect of Darksiders Genesis. The game has moved from its traditional third-person action-adventure style to a top-down action RPG, similar to the playstyle in other titles such as Diablo 3 and Path of Exile. However, while some parts of the gameplay">gameplay are pretty standard for the action-RPG genre, Darksiders Genesis is a far cry from any regular action-RPG game. It actually feels more like an action-adventure (similar to previous episodes of Darksiders), just the camera is different, and the emphasis here is on “the action”.
The game supports both single player and multiplayer mode. In single player mode, you control both War and Strife, and you can freely switch between them while playing. Each of them comes with a unique set of moves and abilities. War plays out quite similarly to the original Darksiders. His attacks hit hard, he can easily wipe out groups of small enemies, and his special attacks will sure make you smile whenever you annihilate your opponents with them. He has the ability to block and he can also rush to dodge some dangerous enemy attacks which is well suited to the set.
On the other side, this is the first time we've seen Strife as a playable character in Darksiders. Unlike War, Strife is much spongier, but his playstyle doesn't involve rushing headlong into enemy hordes. Instead, he can devastate enemies from afar with his weapons. He can also move away from enemies in order to keep his distance and avoid dangerous attacks. He can use different types of ammo for his weapons, each useful for a certain situation. While Strife is much trickier and more difficult to play than War, once you get used to his playstyle, you will certainly find playing with him very rewarding.
One of the most interesting gameplay">gameplay aspects is the addition of certain platforming elements. These are rarely seen in action RPGs, but given that they're a staple of all old Darksiders games, it was natural to include them in Genesis. And honestly, they really fit into the whole game. You will have the authentic feel that you are playing a Darksiders game, and not just another action RPG.
As for multiplayer, that's probably the best aspect of Darksider Genesis. You can choose to play co-op online or split screen. In multiplayer, some The puzzles are different, for example on some occasions you will need The two players to simultaneously pull the levers in order to advance further. Also, the addition of the split screen is very welcome, especially if you plan to bring the game to consoles. As for PC gamers, you have the option for one player to use a keyboard and mouse, and the other to use a gamepad, or you can use two gamepads, which is even better. In addition, the game should preferably be played on a gamepad, as the controls are optimized for this, and from the getgo the game will tell you. Frankly, this is only the problem for PC gamers, but it's worth mentioning since Darksiders Genesis originally released for PC and Stadia.
While some might argue that Darksiders Genesis isn't exactly a visually impressive game, it still manages to deliver decent graphics quality. While Darksiders III is undoubtedly a better looking game, Genesis is certainly not too far behind in terms of visuals. The models for War and Strife are polished and well detailed, and most of The bosses are really amazing. In addition, the animations and effects are very well done. However, one cannot fail to notice that the surroundings could be slightly more detailed and refined. Still, it won't ruin your overall experience, so overall it's not a major drawback.
Now, this is where Darksiders Genesis really excels. The feeling of running around, slicing up and carving out countless demon hordes as warfare, or blowing them up like Strife can't just be described in The words. The joy you feel every time you take out the dozens of enemies using your special attacks is extremely satisfying. Plus, the feeling of playing co-op with a friend, especially on split screen, is very reminiscent of old school games from the Sega Genesis era… hmm… Darksiders Genesis… probably just a coincidence…
All things considered, Darksiders Genesis is a must-have for all fans of the series. When you factor in that this game only costs $ 29,99 for PC (which is half the price of most AAA games) and you'll be treated to dozens of hours of fun and entertainment, the game is definitely worth every penny. And don't worry about the top down camera. Genesis is truly a Darksiders game, in every way, and you will definitely feel it as you play.
Genesis is truly a Darksiders game, in every way, and you will definitely feel it as you play.
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