Where to get ammo
While there are many different types of ammo in Cyberpunk 2077, the places to get them generally remain the same. So once you've found some good sources, make sure you stick to them throughout your time in the game. Make a habit of checking your ammo sources whenever you have free time or yourself. focus on certain activities during missions to maximize your ammo returns. Here are all of the best places to go when wondering how to get ammo in Cyberpunk 2077.
Let's start with the most obvious: gun stores. You can find them just by checking the map for the closest one, and they almost always contain any type of ammo you might need. If you have a heavy shooting mission coming up you should definitely skip, although it will cost money to get that ammo rather than farming it through the other methods.
These other methods are primarily based on your immediate situation and environment. Dead enemies will offer a bit of all the ammo they used against you, so if you do well with your headshots, you can easily end up with a surplus. While you take part in these missions, you will also see many boxes of ammunition. While these only contain one type of ammo, they are useful in keeping your stockpile high because they are so plentiful. Put them together as you can and you'll probably be wondering a lot less "where's the ammo."
Finally, there's crafting, which requires you to level up and earn the perks to enable it. Once you've done that, you can open your character menu and select crafting to see what ammo you can craft and what it will cost. The crafting system isn't the best, but if you end up with the perks for doing it, it's a great way to get more ammo when needed.
And that's all we know for where to find ammo in Cyberpunk 2077. As we explore more of the game this may be updated, so check back soon.