Judy Alvarez
You'll meet Judy very early on in Cyberpunk 2077, and she's a potential romantic partner for V. Judy is gay, so she's only romantic if you play as female V. To be successful at romancing her, you have to play through. his side jobs and make certain choices to gain his favor.
Judy's side jobs will become available automatically throughout the story. There are six side missions in total, and each of them is listed below.
- On both sides
- Now
- Ex-Postman
- Talk about a revolution
- Fish
- Song of the pyramid
During the Pisces mission, you must refuse Maiko's plan. In Judy's last side job, Pyramid Song, you have to accept her invitation to dive in and spend the night with her. Kiss her when you can and tell her it was the start of something nice when you talk to her the next morning. If you make these choices, you will succeed in romanticizing Judy. For more information on dialogue options and correct decisions, check out our guide on how to romance Judy in Cyberpunk 2077.
River district
River is a secondary character in Cyberpunk 2077 that you can completely miss if you can't find his side quest. River is straight, so you can only romanticize him if you play as a V woman. To meet River, accept the quest titled I Fought the Law when you get a phone call.
During the quest, you will meet River and he will want to get back to you for a future investigation. This unlocks a side job called The Hunt, and you'll need to complete it for Romance River. During the mission, you have to make sure that Randy and River both survive. To do this, you must find all the evidence while the River Braindance shows you. However, two pieces of evidence are the most important. Make sure you see the solar panel that appears about 25-30 seconds in the Braindance and the farm number that appears about a minute in. The correct farm is Edgewood.
When you are on the farm, do not leave or River will die. At the end of The Hunt's side work, choose the flirty dialogue options when talking to River. He'll call you sometime later and offer you a side job called “Follow the River”. During this mission, kiss River when the opportunity presents itself. You will have two chances to kiss her and you will have to kiss her both times. The next morning tell him that you enjoy being with him to make River romance a success.
Panam Palmer
Panam is another character you'll come across during Cyberpunk 2077's main story, but his romance involves several side jobs. Panam is straight, so you can only romanticize her if you play as V.
Once you receive Panam's first side quest called Riders on the Storm, your decisions start to matter. Make sure to flirt with Panam whenever you see a naughty dialogue option and hit it when the opportunity arises. In one of his side jobs titled With a Little Help from My Friends, don't tell Saul about his plan and don't talk about money when Panam asks why you're helping him.
The real romance scene takes place on her final mission, Queen of the Highway. Choose the dialogue option that says "Oh yeah, let's go" when you see him and Panam will have sex with V. Once that's done, kiss Panam for romance success. For more information on dialogue options and correct decisions, check out our guide on how to romance Panam in Cyberpunk 2077.
Kerry Eurodyne
You'll meet Kerry through one of Johnny Silverhand's quests, and even if your first encounter is a bit out of the ordinary, you can eventually start a relationship with him. Kerry is gay, so you can only romance him if you're playing as V.
Kerry's Romantic Road is very straightforward. Do all of Kerry's quests until you reach the one called Off the Leash. Here you will have the opportunity to flirt with Will Kerry, which of course you should. Then, on Kerry's final mission called Boat Drinks, kiss him when you get the chance. Once you get off the boat, you can choose to enter into a committed relationship with him or leave it as one thing.
Meredith stout
Meredith isn't a full romantic partner that V can pursue, but you can still have sex with her. Meredith is straight, so you can only sleep with her if you play as V.
Meredith is a Corp you will encounter very early in the main story. Don't worry, you don't have to be a Corp to be able to romanticize her. At the start of the game, your mission will be to retrieve a bot. There is an optional objective to meet Meredith, which is the first step in seducing her. She'll give you a Corrupted Shard, which you'll then need to use to pay for the Flathead bot you're tasked with collecting. After the mission is complete, she will invite you to No-Tell Motel for sex, but you cannot continue a committed relationship with her.
Alt Cunningham
Alt Cunningham is a character you'll meet during the main storyline of Cyberpunk 2077. She's straight, but V's gender doesn't matter as she is actually Johnny Silverhand's love interest. We won't say more to spoil anything, but Alt will be automatically fictionalized during the main mission called Never Fade Away. You can't miss it so keep playing the game and you will see it eventually.
You'll meet Snape during the main story, but you'll have to do odd jobs for her if you want to make love to her. Like Alt, V's gender doesn't matter for this romance.
When Rogue's first secondary task, Chippin 'In, becomes available, complete it. The choices you make during this quest do not affect anything. His second side job occurs right after completing Chippin 'In. For this mission, you must call Snape and ask him for a date. You're going to take her to a drive-in and have a conversation with her. Select any flirty option and then choose to kiss it at the very end to achieve Rogue romance.
While these aren't technically romantic options, you can still sleep with them so they made the list. The Joytoys are Cyberpunk 2077's version of prostitutes. To find one, look for its icon on the map. It's a white icon that looks like a pair of lips. There are Joytoys for everyone, so the genitals and pronouns chosen don't matter as long as you have the money.
cyberpunk 2077 is out now on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. A Next Generation Version of the Game is Currently in Development for PS5 and Xbox Series X | S.