How to level crafts
Crafting can often be the most important skill in an RPG the size and scope of Cyberpunk 2077. So making sure you always focus on improving it, leveling up as much as possible can make the difference. between a long and difficult road until the end credits. or a light sprint to the finish, if that's what you're after. So, since this is so important, it's good that leveling the craft is actually just as straightforward and easy to understand as the skill itself.
To upgrade Crafting in Cyberpunk 2077 all you need to do is make sure you craft whatever you can, whenever you can. I know, simple, right? However, our advice is not limited to that. You also gain XP for your crafting skill whenever you dismantle items. We've provided some tips for choosing the best items in this guide, so check them out if you need help choosing. Once you have a nice set, just take them apart to improve your crafting skills a bit.
Otherwise, it's really about finding as many crafting materials as you can and then crafting whatever cheap and easy in order to boost your stats. And the higher you go, the more perks you'll unlock to make it even easier. The best crafting skill levels are found at 3, 4, and 11 (cost to craft reduced by 5%), 6, 9, 13, and 20 (additional crafting recipes unlocked), and 16 and 19 (cost to upgrade). level reduced by 15%). All of these help you make more with less, so work on it as much as possible.
Likewise, the best perks if you want to improve your crafting skill quickly are True Scotsman (unlocks rare item crafting), Workshop (teardown has a 5% chance to give a free component), Grease Monkey (unlocks items). Epic Items), Effective Upgrades (10% Free Upgrade Chance), Let There Be Light (10% Component Cost Reduction), Cost Optimization (15% Component Cost Reduction), and Edgerunner Craftsman (manufacture of legendary objects).
This is how to upgrade crafting in Cyberpunk 2077.