How to get new cars in Cyberpunk 2077
You can get new cars in Cyberpunk 2077 by purchasing them or completing certain missions. There are a few selected vehicles related to the quests, but most cars can only be obtained by purchasing them. Cars cannot be purchased until after reaching Cyberpunk 2 Act 2077.
Once you reach Act 2, the Fixers will start contacting V about cars for sale. These start out slow and cheap, but you'll be contacted for more valuable cars as you increase your Street Cred and make a name for yourself in Night City. Information about vehicles for sale will be added to your mission log in your log so you can see their locations and prices. To buy cars, just visit the locations described in the mission log. You can't keep the cars you steal off the street. Buying vehicles is therefore the main way to add new attractions to your collection.
If you prefer to save your Eurodollars, you can get awesome vehicles just by completing quests. The Porsche 911 Turbo, for example, is obtained for free in a side job called "Chippin 'In" which happens around halfway through the game. You will also get the keys to an Arch Nazare, one of the fastest motorcycles in the game, at the start of act 2 doing a parallel job called "Hero". A mission will not tell you directly that it will reward you with a vehicle. so it's a good idea to do as many side tasks as possible.
cyberpunk 2077 is out now on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. A Next Generation Version of the Game is Currently in Development for PS5 and Xbox Series X | S.