How Romance Works | Guide to all interests and love mates

In act 1, you will start a mission called " The heist»With your companion Jackie. With Jackie, you will go to the restaurant and you will have two options.
- I'll take a look.
- Room - let's go.
Select the "I'll take a look." option. If you select 'let's go' you will immediately pass by and miss this little restaurant scene. Inside, go to the right aft cabin and you will find the man himself seated, surrounded by friends. His Le visage de Hideo Kojima slapped on a digital body.
Listen to his conversation and you'll learn that he's a Braindance developer from Tokyo who wants to bring real emotions to "scrolls" - which is just a cyberpunk way of saying he's trying to convey more emotion into his. video game narration. Considering how much everyone is crying, I can tell he has at least achieved part of his goal.

It's not the only Hideo Kojima Easter Egg in the game, either. You can find BB - the Bridge Baby - in all its weirdly cute glory. At the end of Act 1, you will find a mission related to Taxi Hijacking. Follow it and it is possible to find the little spud.
There's another Easter Egg in the same side mission that's literally impossible to miss. You'll come across a GLADOS reference from - so, yes, this game is filled with video game Easter eggs. We will try to find them all, so we wish good luck.