While playing through the story mission in Control, you will eventually come to the HRA Research Lab. Here you will have to solve a puzzle using terminals and punch cards. Each numbered terminal requires the insertion of a specific punched card for the HRA machine to operate.
There are five terminals and five punch cards. Four of the terminals and punch cards are at the bottom, while the fifth of these are at the top. Remember that the top floor terminal is actually terminal number 4 in the sequence. The punch cards must be placed in the terminals in the correct order. Grab the first three people at the bottom, head up to get the number 4, then go back down to get the fifth. Each number has its number written on the side, so it's easy to tell them apart.
Control: HRA Lab Machine Puzzle Guide
Terminal 1
Terminal 2
Terminal 3
Terminal 4
The punch card for the fourth terminal is marked with the red rectangle below.
Now you will only have one card left. Go back downstairs and place her in the fifth terminal, then start the machine to continue the story.
And there you have it, the HRA Research Lab puzzle solution, you can now continue with the rest of this mind-blowing story.