The maze of ashtrays in Remedy's Control is a confusing series of hallways and rooms. With seemingly no end, players may find themselves circling the maze. How are players supposed to reach the end of an almost endless maze?
The Ashtray Maze is accessible quite early in the game. It's easy to fall into the trap and desire to explore. He attracts new players and doesn't let them go out without the right conditions. Fortunately, Gamers Heroes and Game Revolution reported on this exact thing.
Ashtray Maze: What is it?
The Maze Ashtray has a few other names in the game and in the fandom, including the Maze Mirror and the Astral Maze. Like something from a Doctor Who episode, it's a maze that resembles a hotel lobby, complete with rooms, retro wallpaper, dim lighting, and decorative plants.
According to Game Revolution and Gamers Heroes, entering the maze begins very early in the game and does not prevent players from entering before they are ready. Although available early, it isn't ready for gamers until some point in the story. Entering early will keep players stuck in an endless loop of repeated lanes.
How to cross the maze of ashtrays
The short answer is: wait.
The long answer is in the eighth mission, the player will receive an item that will allow them to finally reach the end of the maze with ease. If this answer is vague, then a lot of spoilers are involved. Just be aware that if you are in the maze too early, you will not be able to reach the end. Wait until you are asked to go to the maze and stop to grab a special item. It's all part of the story so you don't miss it.
While players may want to explore every aspect of the game early on, try not to fall prey to the maze and waste time before the game asks you to.