If you want a thriving farm Season History: Mineral Town Friend, the first thing you'll need to tackle is planting crops. This is all pretty basic for a game like this, but there are a few small nuances that you will need to be aware of. Each season allows you to plant a particular type of crop. All of the crops in the game are seasonal, will have different yields, and can be harvested at different times.

When you first start playing, the first thing you should do is pay for a trip to the general store. You can see it on the map above, with the little hand symbol pointed at it. You will need to buy seeds. Don't go crazy, only eight or twelve packs in total to start. Now go back to the farm and grab the tools your grandfather left you. You will need to pull weeds and clear space on the field, then boo 3 × 3 square grids. This is important for planting crops.
Now stand in the square directly in the middle of the 3 × 3 square and choose the seeds you want from your tool belt. If you buy seeds and your tool belt is full, they will be sent to your toolbox and you can trade items. Press the Y button to plant them and you'll toss them on the ground all around you, planting seeds in the 9 freshly dug squares that make up the 3 × 3 pattern.
Now that they are planted, you need to water them, and you will need to do this every day of the month to get them to grow as quickly as possible. Make sure you read each plant's description carefully so you know what it needs to grow. Grass seeds for fodder, for example, should be planted on soil that has not been dug.
Check the crops every day for watering them and be sure to harvest them on the first day possible, so that you can have another crop in a few days with the same seeds. You can also get the Nature Sprites to help you work on the farm, so be sure to read on how to become friends with them.