How to get the Tomogunchi Turbo watch
The Tomogunchi Turbo package costs 1200 COD points. It includes the Tomogunchi Turbo Watch, 14 unlockable weapon charms, Professor Gunchi's sticker, and three dinosaur-themed emblems. 14 charms is a lot to get with just one bundle, but you have to complete various challenges to unlock each charm one by one.
Some of these challenges can only be unlocked with Modern Warfare's multiplayer game modes, so you can't earn all of the Tomogunchi Turbo weapon charms in Warzone. Some of the challenges can be completed in the battle royale, but you'll end up hitting a roadblock if you don't have Modern Warfare. If you're a free Warzone player, you'll have to wait for a free multiplayer weekend to complete the challenges you're missing out on.
Tomogunchi Turbo Weapon Charm Unlock Challenges
There are 14 Tomogunchi charms in total to unlock using the Tomogunchi Turbo Watch, and each charm is locked behind a certain challenge. These challenges must be completed in order and they increase in difficulty as you complete more and more of them. You can view your current challenge by viewing the watch in the Watch Selection menu. These are all the charm challenges of the Tomogunchi Turbo weapon.
- Get 3 eliminations
- Get 10 eliminations
- Use 5 kill streaks or gain all 3 kill streaks in a single life
- Win a 2v2 match as the top scorer
- Quickly Crouch (Tea Bag) on 5 players after killing them
- Get 20 eliminations
- Get 5 vehicle kills
- Get 3 executions
- Call a Juggernaut
There are 14 charms to unlock in total, but we've only discovered the first 9 so far (courtesy of this Reddit post). We'll update this guide with the other challenges after we learn what they are. If your Tomogunchi pet dies, you have to start over from the first challenge. You must keep your Tomogunchi animal alive in order to progress in each challenge.