JRPG is a genre renowned for having a sense of freedom, with exploration and secrets being one of their hallmarks. It's something that Final Fantasy embraces, with the original Final Fantasy VII offering a huge amount of content and Easter Eggs for those who want to go the extra mile to find them.
Sometimes, however, the need to retread steps is simpler than that. Going through a dungeon or area without a designated save point in advance means going backward may be necessary to make sure you don't lose progress. Final Fantasy VII used this effectively, with save points which meant you had to work for the progress you are making, but not unfairly.
While there aren't any solid save points in Final Fantasy VI Demo Remake, there are reasons you might want to go back. For example, Shinra boxes extended on a level can be destroyed for small health and MP mics. These can be very useful after an intense battle, but will be depleted once you clear them, so they are less useful when you are already at full health and MP.
Fortunately, the game allows you to go back to a linear area, like the station in the opening mission, to some extent. As long as you are in the same area accessible to characters, as in the train station before entering the reactor, you can go back to the beginning.
However, there is a limitation to this. If you jump off a ledge that requires you to bridge a gap, like when escaping the Mako Reactor after the boss fight with the Scorpion Guard, then you can't jump back as it would be out of range. for the character. You can then circle the level in another direction to climb back up to the highest ledge if you want, but you can't just jump to an inaccessible place above you or over a large space.
In areas of the open world this is unlikely to be a problem, but if you are going through a linear section, such as going through a reactor, you need to keep this in mind if you want to go back and explore all of them. the parts of each level.