Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Update 1.09 arrives today and can be downloaded now for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The download is massive: 12GB on consoles and 20GB on PC.
The update brings a host of balance changes, bug fixes and general changes to the game. It also features new Specs Ops missions, a scoring system for Special Ops mode and unlocks based on your performance .
A new multiplayer mode has arrived, the ever popular Gun Game, and a new Realism playlist has been added for those who really like to challenge themselves. You can find a full list of patch notes below.
Patch Notes for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1.09 update
- Special operations: "Harbinger" and "Brimstone"
- Classic Special Ops: "Kick", 3-star rating system and rewards
- 3-star rating system (based on time spent)
- XP & MP unlocks based on your ranking after you complete a game.
- Multiplayer:
- Réalisme Moshpit (Domination, Hardpoint, Headquarters, Kill Confirmed)
- Gun game
- Fixed a bug where a player could spawn without a character model when spawning on a friendly vehicle
- Fixes for various exploits on all maps and modes
- Fixed an issue where copying a group of opposing players would also copy their kill streak
- Fixed the after action report not showing recently earned rewards
- Fixed The player ranking icons not appearing on the scoreboard
- Reducing the playing time of a runtime animation
- Accessibility: Added option to Always Sprint
- Step by Step: Adjusted volume and sound type for crouching and walking in aiming position
- Dead Silence: Fix for Dead Silence field upgrade does not last long enough when CDL rules are enabled
- Fix for nameplates to be visible in a certain location on Piccadilly
- Updates to the obituary (killfeed); removal of "Avenged" and "Save Player", game owner of the game and increase in player rank
- Fix allowing players to join a match even if they have been blocked
Private Match:
- Added option to disable spawning camera
- Fix for a bug where the private match option "Starting the captured flags" did not work as expected
- Fixed the bomb screen appearing blank when defusing or planting the bomb in Search and Destroy with Realism enabled. Added a bomb carrier indicator.
- Fixed an issue that caused selected chains of fire to revert to the previous selection during a match
- Fixed issue where players using the shield turret fire system could see through smoke at certain angles with the turret side panels
- Dead Silence: Fix for Dead Silence field upgrade does not last long enough when CDL rules are enabled
- Thermal goggles are now able to see through smoke grenades
- Added option to disable spawning camera
- Fixed an issue where the mount interaction prompt was disappearing when installing or broadcasting the bomb in Search and Destroy.
1 fixed lifestyle:
- Fixed camera stuck on death scene when transitioning to spectator
- Fixed weapon not animating when sprinting at the start of the turn
Infantry assault vehicle:
- Reduced turret damage radius and lethality
Progress / Challenges / Fixed Missions:
- The descriptions cleaned up and updated for different challenges
- Officier Challenge: "Heads Up"
- “Destroy vehicles with launchers”
- "Do its job"
- "Aggression"
- "Expert gunsmith"
- “A pony thing”
Lethals / Tacticals:
- Fixed the Decoy Frog showing a flashing red light for allies and enemies
- Slightly illuminated around the player when using Snapshot Grenade
A player:
- Fixed a bug that could cause an error when selecting a mission
- Spotter: Perk was not marking equipment, field upgrades, or Killstreaks through walls in FFA. Fix for Spotter perk not marking UAVs and slightly thinned outlines
- EOD: fix for players losing HUD items after hacking an enemy specifically in certain scenarios
- Fix for "Quick Fix" perk not giving faster regeneration when winning wins with the throwing knife.
- Fix for "Amped" perk of not stowing riot shield as quickly as it should
- Fix for rocket launcher camos not unlocking or tracking properly
- Fixed model 860 camouflage not unlocking or tracking properly
- FN SCAR 17: slight increase in ADS duration, reduction in barrel and bipod grip penalties
- Fix for white placeholder appearing when upgrading weapon and unlocking new attachments
- Added descriptions to all optics with a range shard
- Fixed an issue where the P90 + FFS ring sight was creating a range shard
- Thermal goggles are now able to see through smoke grenades
- Fixed Charms not appearing where they should on different weapons
Rankings / Battle Records:
- Fixed a bug where selecting “All” would sometimes return the player to the main menu
- Added CTF and Hardpoint in Combat Records
Audio: voice chat options:
- No effect - default voice chat. No additional effects or equalization adjustments
- Stealth Comms - Bring campaign immersion into multiplayer with additional SAS radio effects for voice chat
- Classic Chatter - Are you feeling nostalgic? Coordinate with your team using classic Modern Warfare radio effects.
Special operations:
- Added ammo drops! After various objectives, you will be provided with a care package to provide you with the ammunition you need so badly!
- Various operating fixes
- Fixed an issue where players could lose some functionality after using the EMP drone in Operation Crosswind
- Fixed crashes occurring when viewing the scoreboard from the match recap
- Fix for enemies spawning out of bounds on Piccadilly
New features:
- Added an option to hide friend requests and party invitations
- Added support for additional keyboard layouts on PS4
- Several fixes to prevent crashes and improve stability
General fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the boot sequence volume was too loud.
- Various binding adjustments
- Players are now able to remove themselves from the gesture and spray wheel by clicking anywhere
- More fixes to prevent hitching / stuttering during cutscenes
- Fixed an issue where main menu music could not be played when users turned on the Skip Movie Intro option.
- Fixed an error that could occur when attempting to manage a party
- Several fixes for different aspect ratios on different in-game menus / screens
- Fixed a bug where the XP token hotkey would also open the Nvidia Highlights feature simultaneously (now on the 'F' key)
- Fixed a bug where some Achievements would appear to be completed while they were