Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer is all about creating customizations for your profile, so that you become a standout member of the battlefield. You can check the different options available in the barracks in your profile. There is a locked option called Watch Select, which allows the player's operator to look at their watch in the middle of a match and display the time. Here's how to unlock it.
How to earn a watch and unlock select watches in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Unlike the game's other multiplayer features, the game does not explain how a player can earn their chance to win a watch. The option is there, however, for those who want to see their character's wrist to see what time it is rather than grabbing your phone. At launch, players must unlock it by getting a watch. However, at the moment, there is a surefire way to unlock the presentation feature. This is by purchasing it from a pack outside of the game.
The watch arrives in two cosmetic packs, the Endowment Defenders Pack, and collecting all three codes from Totino's Pizza Roll, Party Pizza or Snacks. This information was confirmed by Reddit user xxkobrakaixx, who did their best to verify it. The Endowment Pack costs $ 9,99 to purchase, and the price is reasonable. Codes for Totino products will vary.
Unfortunately, at the moment, these are the only ways for gamers to get their hands on these watches. Fortunately, they don't do anything other than give players a cosmetic slot for their character. There is also an emote that players can use to look at their watch. This emote is unlocked at launch, so be sure to equip it if you want to use it when you unlock one of the watches.
Will there be more watches in the game in the future? Yes, we do. We learned about watches some time ago. We learned this from another Reddit leak, which you can check out. There are a lot of options coming to the game in the future. How players will earn them, however, remains a mystery.
Make sure you have fun there, Call of Duty Fans.