Welcome to our preview of the two Heroic Magical Duel events! Here we will talk about the main features of both events and also give you some tips on how to get the most out of them. Let's get started!
Heroic: Magic Duel Broodling Azuhul Brood - Solo Event
The Heroic: Magic Duel event is first and foremost focused on Alay'na Hero. It is therefore essential to modernize it as much as you can. This solo event consists of 82 progressively harsher battles against the Broodlings (giant spiders) that must be destroyed to advance to the next battle. Note that you will probably need level 10 Alay'na to complete all battles, but even if your hero is not that close to that level, it would be a good idea to continue participating and collecting all the rewards you you can, because the same event will probably take place in a few weeks.
To participate in any of the battles you need, you will need Solo Torches - some will be rewarded for free once you participate in the event for the first time, while three more torches can be claimed for free every 4 hours . Additionally, torches can be purchased for gems at the cost of three torches for 50 gems (or more, the price will increase with each additional purchase, but it will also reset each time you get a “free torch”). [19659006] Alay'na Hero packs are available in the store and I recommend that you purchase at least one level 1 pack, as it will only cost you 10 Gems to get: 10 Alay'na Shards, 1 Shard of random hero, 1 Statue Spell card, 50 Hero Essence, 3 solo torches, and 5 spell runes.
Rank Pack 2 costs 50 gems: 40 Alay'na Shards, 1 Random Hero Shard, 2 Statue Cards, 1 Giant Growth Card, 200 Hero Essences, 3 Solo Torches, and 10 Rune Spells.
NOTE: If you run out of Magic Duel Solo Heroic torches, it is better to buy a rank 1 Alay'na pack and have 3 Torches and all that goes with it. 25 gems only to get 3 torches. Also, buying a level 2 pack (3 torches + everything else) is a much better idea than paying 50 gems to get 3 torches only.
As for the rewards, they are unlocked when they reach one of the milestones a dozen of them), and they mainly consist of Alay'na shards, his spell shards, hero essence and his guild torches (can be used in the other event). I would recommend that you immediately use these rewards to improve your Alay'na, as the battles will be much easier.
Why is it important to level up Alay 'na?
First of all, Alay'na has two additional passive abilities that are only active during this event.
- The bonus damage will increase the damage of all your minions from x1,2 (Alay'na level 1) up to x5.00 (Alay'na level 10).
- - Splash Damage: Magic Rhino will charge at the start of the battle, dealing massive damage to the giant spider - 20 damage (level 000 for Alayna) up to 1 (level 6 for Alayna).