This is a Legendary Brawler that, just a few days ago, has officially joined the roster of the Supercell mobile game. Sandy presents himself as a wrestler suffering from a very special form of narcolepsy, which will put him to sleep when we least expect it. However, do not be fooled by his quiet and sleepy appearance: if used well, Sandy will literally manage to turn the fate of the fight in your favor.
Sandy is classified as a Fighter, just like Shelly, Nita, Carl, Bo and Jessie; however, as you'll immediately realize, the role of this new fighter differs drastically from that of his "colleagues" mentioned above, distinguishing himself for his mainly tactical and strategic contribution.
How to win Brawl Stars using Sandy? Read the following lines to find all the tips and strategies you need to bring home victory with your new brawler!
As for the Super, on the other hand, Sandy will evoke a real sandstorm, which will make the allied brawlers inside it invisible, as well as Sandy himself. The technique in question will last 12 seconds, and will be the ideal way to hit your opponents unexpectedly, who will never know the direction from which you are going to attack them.
The sandstorm, when it reaches its maximum level, can be enhanced with two stellar abilities. With "Violent Storm", all opposing brawlers within the storm will receive 200 damage per second while, by activating the "Twenty Benefits" ability, allies in the storm area will be treated with 300 health points per second.
How to get Sandy
Like any self-respecting legendary brawler, getting it won't be easy at all. Currently, Sandy is available at the digital shop of Brawl Stars , and can be yours for the cost of 700 gems. If you don't have that amount of currency, the only alternative you have left is to hope it gets you out of the checkout.
Precisely for this reason, accumulate as many tokens, special tokens and trophies as you can, so that you can increase the luck factor with each open crate.
Sandy's Strengths
As pointed out earlier, this new character Brawl Stars will literally pull your chestnuts out of the fire, and will be able to hide you and your allies from the enemy and, why not, inflict some damage as well. The sandstorm, if used correctly, could be the needle in the balance between defeat and overwhelming victory.
Sandy's Super, in fact, will both allow your allies with few life points to escape from your opponent's grip, and allow your team's tanks to attack the enemy by surprise.
Based on what we've now written, the ways Sandy will give the best of himself are definitely: Wanted, Lone Starr, Survival, and Grabber. As for the brawlers with which our hero will have an easy life, we can count the slower wrestlers with short range attacks such as, for example, Bull, Rosa and El Primo.
Sandy's weak points

As you will have easily understood, the weak point of the newcomer Brawl Stars is certainly the low amount of damage inflicted by his attacks, without considering the recharge time of 1.8 seconds per shot. Let's face it: Sandy will not go down in history as an "unstoppable killer".
Also, the sandstorm, however useful it may be, will have no effect on the ball-carrying brawlers in Footbrawl, nor on the giant robots and opposing fortresses in Siege mode, which will always be able to locate your allies.
Based on what is now stated, keep Sandy at a safe distance from the front line, and avoid game modes such as Siege, Footbrawl and Robbery, and fall back immediately if you see opposing brawlers such as Leon, 8-Bit, Bo, Piper and Penny.
How to unlock Sandy's new skins
At the moment, Sandy has no alternative skins. However, when they become available, we will update this guide to tell you how to get them.