What are explorations and how to unlock them.
Very early in the game, you will end up saving an old lady from some monsters, near the beach. Of course you are successful, and the lady is heading out shortly. Seemingly a unique character, this storyline seemed like the stepping stone to establishing why our gang got together. This is not the case, however. This lady is a key NPC in this brand new feature, Explorations.
She was saved, and after some progression in the story (not that much, still very early), she now has a side quest to complete. She resides in Halcyonia, the very first town of Bravely Default 2, in a building located in the very center of this location. Interact with her and she will tell you to borrow her boat to do some shopping. In short, she ends up giving you this boat permanently, so you can use it whenever you need it.
This is when the explorations are unlocked. These are basically idle missions that give you free goodies, with no effort at all. All you have to do is put your Nintendo Switch into sleep mode and let your ship's crew collect items for you. A crawl can take up to 12 hours, so be sure to turn on the console to claim your content, even if you don't intend to play at that time. After you have everything gathered, start exploring again and leave the switch idle again. The progress is real time, so just go to sleep or something and come back with some goodies waiting for you.
The items found in these passive adventures vary in type, but the ones you are looking for the most are Experience Orbs and JP Orbs. So these are raw XP and JP elements that you can immediately use for your characters. For those who want to quickly improve their characters or jobs, the exploration system is a must to use. Have a good treasure hunt!
Bravely default 2 is exclusively available on the Nintendo Switch.