How to get Roc's Tail Feathers
The quest mentioned above has a simple requirement. Find 3 Roc's tail feathers. While this isn't anything fancy, other than vague quest giver information and a quest pointing arrow, there is no other indication of which monster is unleashing them. And if you haven't paid attention to monster names until now, you might have missed this one.
Looking for the Roc monster, who is… a Roc? Flying creatures with Thunder weakness. These are located at the very last “dungeon” of the Prologue section, to the far right of the starting map and Halcyonia. To be fair, it's not even a dungeon as it's just the area you have to go through to reach Savalon, the next town you visit.
Rocks can be found scattered in there, and they look like the two creatures on the left, in the image above. Just approach them, beat them up, and wait to see if you have any of their feathers. These quest items aren't guaranteed, so be sure to farm them a bit if you're not lucky with the first ones. Additionally, Rocs can be part of the other monster packs that can hunt you in the Vale of Sighs, the area they are in, so interact with any monster there. If there is no Roc in this wave, simply escape the fight and look for another. My personal advice would be to start from the end of this dungeon and run to the beginning. This way you will have unlocked the portal which will allow you to instantly return to an entrance.
Bravely default 2 is exclusively available on the Nintendo Switch.