Moze is an interesting construction character. Of all the characters, she is probably the most capable of picking out a tree and putting all the talents on the line until the end of the game. There are basically two ways to build Moze, but two variations of each build to choose from. which is also a neat paradigm. Let's start with the weapon-focused builds before moving on to the Iron Bear-focused ones.
Bottomless Mags
Bottomless Mags is without a doubt the most powerful tree in Moze. This is kind of the type of continuous damage that this tree can produce. The build here is pretty straightforward: just snap everything you have to maximize this tree to the max.
Almost every talent is good except for Dakka Bear and maybe Stoke the Embers. If you take the latter option, consider splashing out a bit of Shield of Retribution (the red tree) for selfless revenge and more fire damage.
The playstyle is as easy as the build - keep moving forward, keep shooting, and never drop. You can unleash a lot of sustained shots and get scaling bonuses while moving, and can even sprint while shooting!
Basically pretend you're a particularly aggressive Call of Duty or Battleground character.
Explosions galore
As you might expect, Demolition Woman plays a lot in this build. It's all about building on foot, with key talents based on increasing blast damage. In this case, you are ignoring a lot of the talents that increase your Iron Bear uptime. So you catch fire in the Skag lair but ignore the other two talents in this level, and you don't care about Stainless Steel Bear. What you take is Auto Bear, because in addition to Demolition Woman's talents, you want to splash out on Bottomless Mags, especially so that you can go far enough to get Some For The Road.
This allows you to jump into Iron Bear and then get out to launch a rocket launcher or grenade launcher frenzy with your favorite rapid-fire explosive weapon. I'm a fan of the VOC rocket launchers with the Explosive Saw Blades and Torgue Sticky Rifles.
The playstyle is pretty straightforward: you want stuff that moves. Huge explosion radius, excellent crowd control, at a cost of less raw DPS than that built by Bottomless Mags. Great for picking up trash, but not the worst against a single target, nor with a single target explosive weapon conducive to high damage.
Let's take a look at the Iron Bear-focused builds:
Iron bear
To be fair, this build doesn't necessarily focus on the Bear Fist action skill, but the title was too good to pass up. You can use any action skill you want, but the Rail Gun, which is native to this tree, is pretty strong in both arms as well, especially with shock damage on one and fire damage on the other. .
You don't focus on damage so much as you focus on survival. You think talents such as the Safety Bear, the Thin Red Line, the Can of Whoop-ass, and the Phalanx Doctrine are virtually invincible to the majority of enemies, though you should be wary of the shock damage you take when taking walking.
In Demolition Woman, you bring the core talents of Grizzled, Deadlines, Stainless Steel Bear, and Auto Bear to your active time with Iron Bear.
You actually have a decent amount of foot damage potential with strict activation restrictions. Above all, you must be in poor health and have recently lost and regained your shield. To do this, preferably use high capacity, low capacity shields and / or use force feedback if you are confident in your goal.
You can use any weapon you want, but it's probably best to use shotguns and sniper rifles.
Your main objective is to get in and out of Iron Bear in order to provide mobile cover to your allies and deal significant damage and disruption to Railgun or Bear Fist. This is a reservoir / support build, not so much of a damage donor. It's more the work of the last build:
Nuke City
Back in Demolition Woman, you focus on the talents we ignored last time around.
You go Deep in Demolition Woman, maximizing almost all of the tree's talents. You'll probably want to tap into Bottomless Mags for five ranks in Cloud of Lead, then Redistribution, then Vengeance Shield for the Security Bear and five ranks in the Armored Infantry. If those talents aren't your thing, just max out Fire in the Skag Den, Grizzled, and Vampyr (which I left at two ranks each).
Your main objective is to enter Iron Bear, equip missiles in both arms, and detonate anything in sight. Shooting a few points on talents like Grizzled and Vampyr to dig deeper into Bottomless Mags for Specialist Bear to maximize your missile damage is good, but in my experience it'll make you think of a one-trick pony instead. , which is generally no idea.
All of your options here are good, but nukes are pretty fun. Small missile barrages are also interesting.
It doesn't do as much damage as a full set of Bottomless Mags, but does excellent AoE and DoT with nukes.
This is pretty much your main option for Moze at the moment, until the max level increases.