It's all about novelty Imitate zombie boss that appears over multiple turns. These enemies can grab you in the middle of the dash and throw you like a ragdoll. Where the problems come in is throwing animations - if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, Mimics can throw you right off the map and through invisible walls! In some areas this is much more likely than others in my testing, so let's talk about what to avoid.
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How to avoid this off the map issue
In my testing, Mimics usually don't throw you out of bounds or get you stuck off the map. Against all normal walls and obstacles, you'll just bounce off without a problem when they push you back.
The problems lie in three specific rooms - Burnt tusk, Rocky defense, and Jungle defense. And only in specific places in these areas. You have to stand next to the sandbags and face the so that the Mimic will throw you straight through them. This means that you basically have to stand on the edge of the map, face it - and get caught in a dead end.
Obviously, it is not a wise decision to make while you are being chased by imitators. When this happened to me, I was thrown over the left barrier facing the jungle in Rocky defense. It all depends on the Mimic, but being thrown off the map basically means you're stuck. You cannot shoot enemies and no other enemies will spawn. You can't go out either; no matter how hard we tried to jump, crouch and crawl, there was no escape.
While I haven't seen it myself, it's very possible that Mimics could propel players through other sections of the map. Here's my advice: When Mimics are running around, don't let them catch you near a low fence. They might just break the laws of video game physics and throw you across the edge of the map.
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