However, obtaining the higher level crystal variants will not be as easy as their rough counterparts. The most motivated Requiem Agents will want to pursue new options to further push their skills into game-changing territory. Let's see how exactly you can withstand more dreaded rounds while sweating less.
How To Get Flawless, Refined Etherium Crystals
Acquiring these new materials differs a bit depending on whether you're playing Die Maschine and Firebase Z cards or the brand new Outbreak Mode. Performing Die Maschine and Firebase Z will require a high number of turns for the Crystals to be rewarded. A single Refined Aetherium will be awarded for reaching round 20, with additional drops five rounds apart after that point. Survive long enough and the drop count will increase to 2 Refined Aetherium. Flawless Aetherium follows the same structure, but it falls further into these high level rounds. Reaching at least round 35 will guarantee a flawless Etherium Crystal. Pushing forward will yield additional drops, with a round of 50 providing a lump sum to purchase a desired Level V skill.
Venturing into the outbreak is also a viable option for cultivating the new crystals. In Outbreak, the goal is to achieve goals, called surveys. These come in various forms, ranging from defense to escort. Completing multiple investigations in a single round will reward players with the highly sought after currency to increase power. This means traveling between multiple Outbreak Maps and letting the difficulty creep up as your team tries to take on increasingly intimidating hordes through as many objectives as you can handle. Avoid the exfill option for as long as possible and the crystals will start to roll off.
Follow the steps outlined and your Requiem Agent will be supplemented with powerful new abilities, unlocking new Zombies strategies in the process.