How to get the right ending
To get the correct ending in Black Ops Cold War, choose " TruthWhen Adler questions you during the Identity Crisis mission. Because you've chosen to tell Adler the truth after everything you've learned, you'll team up with him, Woods, Mason, and the rest of the team for one final mission. This opens the final mission " The final Countdown.
How to get the bad ending (ambush)
To get the wrong ending in Black Ops Cold War, choose " LieWhen Adler questions you during the Identity Crisis mission. Adler and the team mistakenly believe that Perseus is hiding in Duga, so you decide to contact them Perseus. Head to the back room of the refuge and contact Perseus to organize an ambush. You have a limited time to do this and you will get a bad alternate ending if you fail to reach the phone on time. Using the radio will unlock the final mission " Ashes to ashes.
How to get the wrong alternate ending (no ambush)
To get the bad alternate ending in Black Ops Cold War, choose " LieWhen Adler questions you during the Identity Crisis mission. While the team is preparing for the final mission, do not use the phone to contact Perseus. Just let the timer expire and you will have a bad alternate ending. This opens the final mission " Ashes to ashesBut the result will be different because you don't have Perseus radio to set up an ambush.
Call of Duty: Cold War Black Ops is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S.