Brawl Stars offers a variety of different characters that you can play in the game. Each of them has access to different powers called Star Power, which allow them to use powerful attacks during the game. Star Powers can do different things, providing a unique benefit to your brawler. Each of them has access to two of them when you unlock them, and among the choices some are better than others.
8 bits
For those trying to play on 8-bit media, you want to use the power of the Star Boosted Booster, which increases the range of Damage Booster by 50%. You can use it throughout a match, which makes it useful for an entire game.
Aggressive barley is good barley. You want to focus primarily on using the Extra Noxious star power, which gives you 140 extra damage per second to Barley's base attack.
Be a
Missing a Supercharged Attack can spoil any strategy, but the power of Bea's Insta Star Beeload fixes it. With her, if you miss your Supercharged Attack, she instantly comes back to you so Bea can use her again once per match.
Bibi is at her peak when she has her running ability fully charged. His two star powers lean into it, and of the two, hitting position might prove to be a better choice. With it, she gains a shield protecting herself against 30 percent of the damage done to her.
Bo can choose to sneak up on enemies or use his powers to help set up his teammates. Of the two stellar power choices, Snare a Bear's is probably superior, preventing his traps from doing a knockdown and instead stunning an opponent for 2,0 seconds.
Doing more damage to everyone is always a good thing. For Brock, you can do this with his Searing Star power. When her attack hits an area, she damages the ground and starts dealing 600 damage per second, and it lasts for 2,0 seconds.
Bull can rush into a fight, but he becomes a primary target quite quickly, and players who use him have to bet on poor health. His two star powers use him, but of the two, Tough Guy is the better choice, and he gives Bull a shield that protects him for 30% of the damage dealt to him when he falls below 40% of his health. .
Carl throws his pickaxe at enemies, and it comes back to him, potentially damaging enemies twice. To build on his special basic attack, you want to use the Power Throw star power. With him, his attacks have a movement speed of 13%.
Colt must choose between being a faster fighter or a faster gunslinger. Of his two choices for star powers, the Magnum Special can serve him better, increasing his attack range and bullet speed by 11%.
The Raven can dive in and finish off an already damaged enemy, effectively removing them from combat. With Carrion Crow's Star Power active, he can deal 120 more damage with his Basic Attack and Supers when enemies are below 50% health.
Darryl will crash into enemies when he uses his Super, but that also makes him a primary target. To help reduce this damage, the Star Power Steel Hoops reduces all damage taken in this form by 90% for 0,9 seconds.
Placing Dynamike in key positions or having it maneuver around walls prevents it from getting stuck. With the power of the Dyna-jump stars, he can ride the wave of his explosives and leap over walls, ambush enemies or escape danger.
The cousin
El Primo charges directly into combat, eager to do damage and blast enemies from his allies. To help deal damage, use the star power El Guego. When El Primo uses his Super, he burns for 1200 damage for 4 seconds.
Emz can take care of herself or make things easier for her allies. To remain a supporting member of the team, Bad Karma's star power is much more effective. With this, all enemies caught in his hair spray attack take increasing damage, 20% per hit.
Frank is a heavy tank that can take a lot of damage and doesn't hesitate to send him back against enemies. Of its two choices, Power Grab is an excellent choice. It steals the power of the Brawlers it defeats and increases its damage by 50% for 12 seconds.
large wind
As of this writing, Gale only has one Star Power available, which is Blustery Blow.
To double down on Gene's supporting role, using the Star Power Magic Puffs is your best bet. Gene heals all friendly Brawlers for 400 health per second while they are around him.
Hit Jacky as much as you want, but she can take it and she can turn it against her opponents. Use the Star Power Counter Crush where, whenever she takes damage, she converts 15 percent of the damage to her Groundbreaker primary attack for a counterattack.
You can transform Jessie's turret into an even more devastating force of destruction using the power of the Shocky Star. Along with it, the turret now launches energy orbs that bounce between enemies, and the bounce has a range of 51% of its normal attack.
Leon must strike quickly to make sure he takes out critical enemies. To optimize him, you can use the Power of the Star Smoke Trials, which increases his movement speed by 24% for the duration of his invisibility, allowing him to reduce distance and eliminate enemies.
Max wants to help his enemies move quickly between locations. The more often she can use her super, the more her allies benefit. To help her, use the Star Power Super Charged, allowing her to charge her Super while she moves.
Mortis wants to focus his attention on a particular enemy and defeat them before he can do anything else. To make sure he can take some extra risk, use the Power Creepy Harvest star. Each time he takes down a brawler, he gains 1 health.
Mr. P
Mr. P is a scary brawler, between the use of his explosive briefcases and his helmet penguin turret. The powers of the stars help one or the other, making it a difficult choice. Of the two, you might be better off using the Handle With Care star power, which allows the suitcase to bounce and burst even if it doesn't hit a target or obstacle.
You want to lean on Nita by using her bear to her advantage. The best way to do this is with star power Bear With Me, where every time her bear hits an opponent she regains 500 health, and every time she hits an opponent her bear regains 500 health points. life.
Pam's mission is to keep her allies alive and upright. She might not be too worried about the damage, it doesn't hurt to help her with her team. You activate the power of the star Mama's Squeeze, where its healing turret also damages enemies for 500 damage per second.
Penny's super ability uses a powerful cannon to devastate her enemies. Make it even more powerful with the power of Star Balls of Fire, where every time it hits something it also ignites the ground in flames for three seconds, damaging enemies for 400 damage per second.
For those who are precise with Penny's primary attack, you want to be able to trigger it as many times as possible. To give yourself more photos to use, try the Snappy Sniping star. Whenever you hit an enemy with its attack, it instantly reloads 0,3 ammo.
Poco has a large super area of effect that heals all of his allies within him. To make it even more devastating, you can use the Star Power Screeching Solo. Now, whenever you use it, the ability also damages enemies and deals 800 damage.
Rico uses his unique bouncing attacks to strike down opponents who would otherwise feel safe. For those who are risky and want to get it even closer to them, the Star Bouncy Super Power is perfect. The first bounce does its attacks, main attack and super, it deals 100 more damage.
Rosa can be an aggressive brawler for those who know how to properly use her super attack. For those who use it to engage the enemy, you can make it even more powerful by using the powerThrony Glove star. Now his punches during his super do 220 more damage.
Sandy uses his super to protect his allies and make it difficult for enemies to find them in a massive sandstorm. To further aid allies, the star power, Healing Winds, will now heal all allies inside the storm for 250 health per second.
Shelly can be a deadly brawler, but she's a bit squishy. To make sure she doesn't drop immediately when she fails to locate her health, you use the power of the Band-Aid star. When she drops below 40% health, she instantly heals for 1800. Star Power recharges every 20,0 seconds.
With Spike, hitting an opponent and making sure they stay on the ground can be a bit tricky, especially when you don't have too much defense. A great way to keep Spike in the middle of a fight is to fertilize the power of the stars. With her, when she is in the area of effect of her Super Attack, Stick Around !, she heals 800 per second.
You want to guard Sprout as often as possible, but you want to create good cover for him during combat and give our allies extra support. To help them, you want to use the power of the Proliferation Star. Whenever Sprout's main attack, Seed Bomb, doesn't make contact with an enemy, it explodes in a larger radius than if it had hit someone.
When Tara uses her Super, she will open a dimensional portal and reveal a ghost version of herself. Of the two choices her shadow must make, the Star Healing Shade will help allies the most and provide them with additional healing.
Tick is a spongy brawler, and when he can run away for protection and recovery, he needs it. But you don't want to keep him out of action for too long. To make sure he can resume a battle quickly, use the Well Oiled Star Power which when not attacking or attacking he can recover health 2,0 seconds faster than the normal.