When you enter stealth mode in, your thief can steal from enemies without being seen. As long as you stay out of the red cone of vision, you can attempt a pickpocket attempt. Stealing is one of the best ways to make tons of cash, and it's just fun - you can even do it to enemies that come out of your league with the right gear. Catch everything from friendly NPCs and if they never notice you, you are free to enjoy your ill-gotten gains.
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How to pick up any NPC
Before you become a master thief, you need to prepare yourself - one of the best ways to prepare is by selecting the right species. Each fantastic run in character customization has specific bonuses that can give you an edge. Here are the best races to play like you're looking to become a thug.
- Rogue Class | Best species
- Skin elf
- Woof Eleven
- Drow
- Lightfoot
- Strong heart
Any race can become a thief, but these races have a little edge over others. Now let's see how to turn your thug into an unstoppable robbery machine.
How to steal everyone
To become a master thief you will need more than your thief - you will also need Clerc and one warlock. This method has been shared by u / RobotWarrior433.
- Clerc jette Orientation at Naughty.
- warlock jette Hex on the one you are trying to steal.
- Naughty enters Sneak and sneak behind the target to pickpocket.
You will have a much better chance after starting Guidance and Hex. You'll get a buff, they'll have a debuff - and your Rogue will have a much higher chance of stealing things.
After stealing something from an NPC's pocket, they'll (usually) notice it immediately and start looking around. Get out of there and wait for the NPC to return to his calm state. They will start to search the area after the pickpocket is triggered - but they won't continue to search forever.