You'll need to complete a few steps before the Owlbear even thinks of coming to your camp. Without the right powers this is impossible, so I recommend buying (or finding) a potion to allow you to talk to animals early on. A band of goblins will torment the Owlbear. You will have to eliminate them or convince them to let little Owlbear go. Well worth it for the simple pleasures of a little Owlbear.
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To get your own cute (and extremely rare) little Owlbear, you will need to follow specific instructions to get these extremely cute threats to join your ranks. It is a wild animal after all.
- How to get the owl to join your camp:
- Go to Owlbear Cave et kill mother owl.
- Leave the little Owlbear alone - he will eventually eat the mother.
- Return to your camp and take a long rest to pass the time.
- Go to the Goblin Camp. You will find the goblins chasing the little Owlbear.
- Speak with the goblin leader and refuse to join in their game of " chicken hunt.
- Use a 'Talk with animals"Potion or go out and talk to little Owlbear." Ask the bear to join you.
- The Owlbear refuses to join.
- Speak to the Goblin Leader again. This time, indicate that you want to take little Owlbear with you. You will need to pass a check.
- Little Owlbear will arrive after a few days. Choose to rest for a long time in your camp and eventually the Owlbear will appear.
Alternatively, you can kill all the goblins in the goblin camp - if you are strong enough. Is there an advantage to having an owl bear cub in your camp? Well no. Not really. He's just a really cute teddy bear. What else do you want!