Astral Chain is a super action game from Platinum Games. It's also filled with secrets, one of which is a hidden toilet on each level, or File. If you find all the toilet related items, you can unlock the ARI Medical Gear outfit. In this guide, we'll tell you where to find them all. Keep in mind that sometimes you find the item in question, and not the toilet itself, although this is rare.
Astral Chain Toilets
File 1
The toilets in file 1 are located just after meeting the two nurses. After the brief interaction, continue down the street where you will find a white and black V-shaped truck near the barrier. The toilets are just across the fence.
File 2
While you try to hunt down the Chimera, you will come to an underground parking lot located near Grand Avenue. When you enter the parking lot, turn left. You will see a shuttered door with graffiti on it, a duck below to find the toilets.
File 3
You will need to head to the center of the map and complete the House Forrest search mission, right after returning from the Astral Plane and protecting the citizens you will find there. Go down the corridor that leads to the small square and go under the door next to the ambulance. The toilets will be in a room to the right.
File 4
As you play through the level, you will come to a double set of exit doors with a hallway filled with the strange chimera that separates them. About halfway down the hall, between the doors, turn right to find the toilet.
File 5
As you approach Harmony Street Station, you'll come to a platform with three energy beams leading from floor to ceiling, and an odd construction you need to break away from your Legion of Swords. If you are standing in front of the large sign with train details, walk down to the platform to your right to find the washrooms.
File 6
In file six, as you walk up the fireplace you will come to a grid that will allow you to eavesdrop on a conversation below you. Turn around and head back to the area where you fell to find another gate. Walk a few times and it will fall, allowing you to grab an object. The toilet is technically underneath, and you can see it through another grid, but you can't get there. Fortunately, the item in the vent is the one you would have gotten from the toilet.
File 7
In File 7, play to the top left corner of the map and see the Homunculus on the side of the building from the roof. Go down to the left and you will see a ladder. Use the Arrow Legion to bring down the ladder, up and Chain Jump on the roof behind you to find the toilets.
File 8
At the roof of Rayleigh Plaza, when you pass between the two sections on a narrow bridge, you can jump to a small gap to your left with your chain jump. Chain Jump again to the floating platform which you can see from here. Use Arm Legion to slide the platform to the left, then Chain to go to the next platform around the corner to find the toilet.
File 9
In Harmony Square, find the road that connects Harmony Medical Center and ToMO815 building. Run to the end, past the construction area, to find the toilet.
File 10
You can find the toilet at the very end of the huge drain that runs along the center of the southern area of Ark's sewage management map.
File 11
In ARI Redshift Labs, run to the left of the main entrance and go down the steps. The toilet is halfway down the curve.
File 12
Go to the police station toilet and go to the second to last toilet on the right side as you enter. Interact with her to find the item you need.