How to solve the "Unseal the Well" light beam puzzle in Asgard
Follow the marker for this quest until you are inside the cave area and you have the task of "Going Down the Well". This is easier said than done, as the puzzle will require careful thought.
The way this room is set up is that there are a number of orbs around the room and one on the opposite side of the room that projects a beam of light from it. You can move that beam around and reflect it off any of the others in the room. The others can be moved around as well, which would make you think all you have to do is hit them all to open the well. This is not the case however, as there are two sundials that we have to hit, but we only have one beam that we can use.
The trick here is with something you might not even have noticed at first because it's behind you as you walk in. Start by heading to the farthest spotlight and press Y / Triangle to touch it and move it with the right analog stick. But rather than aiming for one of the other orbs on the ground, look directly over the entrance and you'll see another orb that you probably missed. Aim for this to now create two beams of light that we can use separately to hit the sundials we need.
Once you've gone to the original light source and pointed it at the orb at the start, you'll now have the two beams that will now hit the two orbs closest to the entrance. Start by going to the one to the left of where you are entering and aim this one on the next orb along the wall just in front of it. Now go to this orb and point it in the middle towards a sundial that you will see.
Now go to the other orb to the right of the entrance when you first enter the room and you will need to point it at the moving orb near the well itself. You have to move the orb in this lane by pressing Y / Triangle and place it where the light will bounce off it and into the other sundial. It will take some trial and error with the movement, but eventually it will hit the sundial and the well will open.