The Death Stranding Briefing trailer has just dropped, with over 7 minutes of information on the main characters in the upcoming game, and we still don't know anything about the game. All the jokes aside, we've got a sneak peek. relationships between the characters, in particular Sam Porter Bridges by Norman Reedus and the character of Amelie, voiced by Emily O'Brien. When Die-Hardman, accompanied by Tommie Earl Jenkins, joins them, they discuss the background to the game's initial plot and explain a bit about the organization of bridges and the phenomenon of 'Strands'.
Warning SPOILERS AHEAD about what we know, which isn't much ...
It's best to start with what we know so far, which is that the inhabitants of this desolate world depicted in the game live in isolation and build “walls”. The main objective of the actors is to reconnect isolated cities and to heal the fragmented society, we are told. However, the game's obscure story is so intertwined with the gameplay that it's hard to tell when the trailer ends and the gameplay begins. In fact, the elements of gameplay and story are almost never two different things.
As we reconnect, we now realize that Sam's story is by no means straightforward and his involvement in this reconnection project is not only professional, but emotional as well. Like the fragmented society, Sam is also estranged from his loved ones… We already knew that a lot. But why is he refusing to get involved in the organization now? The trailer suggests that he was once part of their efforts, as was Amelie, and circumstances may not have separated the two, but the real reason may have been something Amelie made it so that Sam didn't want to be part of ...
Amelie talks about keeping a unit, of the Bridges Company no doubt, safe in its mission to supposedly do the same thing as Sam. However, she is captured but is allowed to communicate with her friends and associates. We still don't know how she does it by the way. Is it a ghost, an apparition, or is it just a holographic telecommunication device?
They also talk about "Cupids" as a way to reconnect the people of "our great nation" which undoubtedly means the United States ... Die-Hard also says "It was Bridget's wish" to introduce Sam a keychain containing all the protocols for endpoint security operations that Sam needs to integrate into the web… We now know that Bridget is voiced by Lindsay Wagner and that her character only appears in flashbacks from the past, when she played a very important role throughout the organization. and a lot of other things, but we don't know to what extent.
Sam is then tasked with going to Edgenot and reuniting with Emily, after reconnecting people, but… quite unexpectedly, he declines and even walks past Amélie, who seems to be trying to convince him by playing on the emotional card. There's a lot more to this game than a simple hero's journey to save the world from its current predicament and get the maiden, but there's only one way to find out.
Hideo Kojima, the director, screenwriter and producer of the project, said it himself:
“Through your experience in the game, I hope you will come to understand the real importance of bonding with others. "