It's not easy trying to become the kind of species that will reach the intellectual heights of the Love Island social media discussion, but that's the point of the game in Ancestors: A Human Odyssey. . You will try to guide your early development humans on the path to becoming the dominant species on the planets. To do this, you may need to fight every now and then.
Ancestors: The Odyssey of Man - How to fight
The first thing to understand about fighting in ancestors is that this should be your last option when dealing with predators. The first step is to avoid. You have a dopamine reader at the bottom left of your screen which acts as an early warning system for predators. If it starts blinking red, it may be time to escape, because there are predators.
If leaving isn't really an option, you can try bullying. Survival instincts are a powerful thing, and many predators are unlikely to injure themselves or die if they can step back and attempt to have a different meal. If you have to face a predator, just press and hold the button that is asked of you on the screen. You are likely to scare away your predator. If you have a few members of your tribe with you or carry a weapon, it will be even more effective.
If it comes down to a fight, you will have the option of running or fighting. Running normally involves passing a dodge test. Your screen will slow down and you will need to hold the Prompt button and release it when you hear the audio signal. The main goal of the race will be to try to climb a tree, as many of your predators will have a hard time following you. This is really your only option if you don't have a weapon, such as a sharp stick. Fighting predators with empty hands is just an invitation to death.
To attack something, you'll want to push your controller's left stick forward to assume an attacking stance. Hold the guest button and release it along with the audio cue. You should therefore damage the predator.
Like most things in the game, the practice will become perfect, as your weak proto-human brain sews into something a little more dreadful. Still, every fight is a dice roll, and it's best to dodge them when you can.