Visual tasks in Among Us are simply those that are visible to other crew members. Why is this important? Someone who completes a task is immediate proof that he is not the impostor. Knowing which tasks have physical visual effects is important, because if someone performs any of these tasks, they are innocent, and if someone fakes any of these tasks, they are the impostor. ! It should also be noted that the visual effects of these tasks can be disabled by the host. Be sure to check and note whether or not visual effects are on or off before entering the game, so you are as aware as possible when teammates complete them.
Take out the trash
On the Le Skeld map, empty garbage can be found in the cafeteria as well as the storage. Players need to pull the lever on the side of the screen to empty the trash and hold it until it's completely empty. Usually all the garbage is leaves, with some treasures hidden in them, but they are unimportant and actually have no value in the game. When this task is completed and the visual effects are activated, the garbage can be seen emptying cute on the other side of the wall. The same visual effect can be seen in the storage and the cafeteria.
Empty chute
This one can also be found on The Skeld map and has a visual effect identical to the garbage dump tasks. This is located in O2 and storage. The task is basically the same as empty garbage, filled with leaves with occasional treasures. Just pull and hold the lever until it's empty.
Submit analysis
This task can be found on The Skeld, Mira HQ, and Polus maps. The player must stand on a capsule-shaped platform that scans them and a hologram is displayed for approximately 10 seconds. During the scan, the hologram is visible to all players in the area. This means that if someone doesn't really do it, there will be nothing to see. It's an easy way to dump an innocent player.
Clear asteroids
This task is available on The Skeld, Mira HQ, and Polus and is located in The Skeld and Polus weapons area, and on the balcony of Mira's HQ. To complete the task, players must click on asteroids until they remove a total of 20. The current number of asteroids fired is shown on the lower screen during task completion. The nearby turret cannon can be seen firing a laser with each shot, proving a player's innocence to anyone standing nearby.
Prime Shields
This task is available on The Skeld and is located inside the shield area. Players must click on all red hexagons until an unknown random amount is clicked. This repeats until all hexagons are gray. Upon completion, the lights at the bottom of the ship will turn yellow. While this task can be accomplished by multiple crew members, the yellow lights will only come on once. So be careful before watching a teammate complete the task to be sure they've done it right.