In Satisfied, you can use the console controls to modify various aspects of the game. To activate the console, you will need to press Ctrl + Shift + L. To access the console, use the Tilde button. You will need to activate the console each time you start the game, as the console state is not saved when you leave the desktop.
Console commands
- ? - will display a complete list of console commands
- materialFlowAnalysis (item name) - Used to find the items required for all craftable items in the game
- r.Atmosphere (followed by 0 or 1) - turns the atmosphere on or off
- r.Fog (followed by 0 or 1) - turn fog on or off
- r.ViewDistanceScale - Sets the rendering distance of items like foliage, rocks and trees
- r.ScreenPercentage (percent) - Sets the internal resolution scale, using conservation depending on your PC version
- r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight (number between 0-1) - Defines the impact of the current internal frame on the final image
- r.TemporalAAFilterSize - Defines the distribution of TAA samples. Values less than 1 accentuate the image.
- r.TemporalAASamples (number) - Sets the number of samples to use for TAA.
- r.Tonemapper.Sharpen (number) - Sets the amount of a simple sharpness filter.
- Stat FPS - activates the FPS counter built into the engine
- Statistical Levels - displays level streaming information
- Statistics unit - will display frame time, play time, draw time and other statistics
- t.MaxFPS (number) - Sets the maximum frame rate
- FOV (number) - sets the FOV, it is not advisable to exceed 150
- Suicide - respawn function
The Fly, Ghost, GiveItem, Cheats and Teleport commands will not work, although they are listed under the "?" order.