In many multiplayer online games, various characters have ultimate abilities. While there is no ultimate system in Spellbreak, it is replaced by runes. Runes are a type of magical gear like belts or gauntlets, but will instead give you a unique new ability, usually related to mobility.
There are currently seven ruins in the game, five mobility runes, and two tactical runes. Each rune has a cooldown that decreases the level of that rune you have, with five levels in total. The standard maximum charge of runes is one and cannot recharge while hovering.
Dash | Duration: 1 second

Immediately proceed a short distance with great speed. Does not only work up, horizontal or down.
Cooldown progress (seconds): 9, 7, 6, 5, 4,5
Springstep | Duration: 1 second

Jump in the air and quickly descend. The decent can be delayed by hovering.
Cooldown progress (seconds): 7,5, 6, 5,5, 5, 4,5
Featherfall | Duration: 3,7 seconds

Fly straight through the air and slowly fall as if you were a feather. You will return to normal gravity if you use spells in the air.
Cooldown progress (seconds): 14, 11, 10, 9, 8
Theft | Duration: 5 seconds

Fly through the air and head in the direction you want. If you hit a wall, object, or other player, the flight will be interrupted and end as if the entire flight has taken place.
Cooldown progress (seconds): 18, 15, 12, 11, 10
Teleportation | Duration: 0,6 seconds

Instantly teleport to your cursor location within 60m of your character. If you are aiming for a space that is too far away, the ability will not work.
Cooldown progress (seconds): 22, 18, 15, 14, 13
Invisibility | Duration: 8 seconds

Gain a temporary +3 running speed boost that stacks with your boots and become completely invisible. Great for a sneak attack and a clean getaway.
Cooldown progress (seconds): 10, 8, 7, 6,5, 6
Wolf blood | Duration: 12 seconds

Howl like a wolf and get a temporary +4 running speed boost that stacks with your boots and all enemies are in the area marked in red. This includes cover and invisibility effects.
Cooldown progress (seconds): 12, 9,5, 8,5, 8, 7
The 8th and 9th runes, chronomaster and shadowstep, have been removed from the game. It is currently unclear whether they will return or not.